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Lacey Paxton

Even though you are filled with anxiety, your first set of tests at Davros goes off without a hitch.. The medical staff and lab technicians had all been completely professional and Ace hadn't left your side the entire time..

Much to your relief, Kingsley hadn't made an appearance today, though for investigation purposes that had been less than ideal since Colt had been planning to plant a tracker on Kingsley car today..

Other than that small hiccup, It hadn't been half as terrible as you had been preparing yourself for.. Maybe even a little too easy if you're being honest.. But you are happy to have it over with for the week nonetheless..

Later that afternoon you and Ace are at Lori's house, helping her with the last of the packing to be done for their big move into Lyra's house.. She is a luminous bundle of energy today, her face fresh and her short silvery hair styled to perfection, she is dressed in a teal polka-dot wrap dress that sweeps along the floor behind her..

Filled with a chipper excitement, she flys up and down the stairs gathering boxes for you to fill in the kitchen, while Ace works on the garage..

"Would it be insane of me to throw this away?.." She waddles into the room holding a heavy ornate picture frame she jas just lugged down the stairs..

You rush to help her hold its hefty weight, thrown into fits of laughter by the ridiculousness of the picture.. Its honestly so terrible it shouldn't exist.. Let alone be owned by a woman so stylish.. "Oh gosh.. Lori! No.. No you should definitely get rid of this.. You'd be far more insane to keep it.. Its.. Haunting.."

You help her to lower the frame to the floor, both stepping back to inspect it.. You bite your lip to keep from laughing again..

The portrait of a sad clown stares back at you.. The creepy black and white image is the kind of thing that could permanently scar a person.. And the eyes.. The eyes of the miserable clown seem to follow you wherever you go.. Its simply awful.. Nothing is more chilling than a clown.. Everybody knows that.. And one pained to scale?.. Its just so bizzare..

Lori inspects the portrait thoughtfully.. "It was given to me after a charity auction.. Unsurprisingly it failed to sell.. I didn't have the heart to refuse the kind gift.. Though it does terrify me so.."

She nods to you and together you hoist it up again, carrying the frame through to the donation heap by the front door.. "It's sweet that you kept it.. But it's super creepy.. I think you can let this one go to the charity shop.. Who knows, maybe there is a new life just waiting for it out there, with somebody who would really love it.. You know, like, maybe another clown or something?.."

She snickers at your attempt to find a silver lining to the portrait.. "Yes.. Or a serial killer.."

You giggle together before she sighs happily, turning to you with shining coca eyes.. "Lacey.. Sweet girl.. I don't know how to thank you.."

You smile at her fondly.. She is so warm and motherly, open and easy-going and you find your admiration of her grows with every passing minute of her company.. "It's really no problem, Lori.. I had the afternoon free anyway and I adore spending time with you, and the children.."

She reaches out, taking your hand to stop you.. Her skin is so soft and delicate to the touch, in that way that tells of years gone by, wisdom and age.. Your heart aches a little at the subtle reminder of life's fragility.. "No.. Not the packing, child.."

You pet her hand in yours, feeling her slight tremor.. All you can want in this moment is to take care of her.. To ensure her most precious years are spent filled with all the joy she deserves.. "Ever since you appeared on my doorstep, you have brought to me miracle upon miracle, child.. You brought my baby back to me safely.. You've given my children a new home, one I could never have dreamed of.. Your enthusiasm for the Sanctuary project brings me such hope for its future.. You are a blessing on this family, Lacey Paxton.. A guardian angel.."

Leather & Lace- THE SPECTER SERIES [book five]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon