Chapter 5: A Feast Fit for a Fire Lord

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Zuko had almost finished reading through the law for a second time when he heard a light knock on his door. He got up and walked over to the door and to his surprise he was greeted by Katara.

"Am I interrupting? I can go if you're busy," she said starting to move away. Zuko opened the door the rest of the way and said, "Not at all, I was just reading over a new law my advisors want me to pass."

"Oh, good! because I was wondering if I could get your help with something?" she asked with a sigh of relief.

"What do you need my help with?" he asked wondering what he could possibly do that one of the palace staff or Sokka couldn't help her with.

"Well," she said with a mischievous smile creeping onto her face, "I want to pull a little prank on Sokka at dinner. He hasn't been himself lately and we need to get him back to his goofy dumb self or he's going to drive me crazy."

Zuko smiled a little at this and they began discussing their plan as they made their way towards the kitchen.


The clock struck five and Sokka practically jumped out of his seat. He was starving and all he could think about was a big meal full of the highest quality meat the fire nation had to offer. His mouth was watering at the thought of the delicious meal waiting for him.

He found his way to his sister's room and knocked on the door. No response. He waited a minute before knocking again. When he didn't get a response the second time he shrugged and started making his way to the dining room where he assumed he'd find his sister.

Sure enough he was greeted by Katara and Zuko who were already seated at the long mahogany table. Zuko was sitting at the head of the table and Katara sat to his left. Sokka took a seat to the fire lord's right and was happy to see a large plate full of duck and covered in a delicious looking gravy.

"I'm surprised you weren't here before us," Katara said with a smirk, "I'm also surprised you weren't in the kitchen begging the chef for food earlier."

Sokka feigned being offended and grabbed his fork and knife, prepared to dig in as soon as he got the go ahead from Zuko.

"It's so good having you guys here," Zuko said, "being fire lord isn't all it's made out to be you know."

"So what you're telling me is you don't actually get worshipped by your nation and have girls swooning over you at all times?" Sokka joked with his signature grin.

Zuko gave him a disappointed look and Katara shook her head before a smile krept on to her face.

"No Sokka I don't have people showering me with gifts all the time," Zuko said, "but I do get my meals cooked for me every day by a world-renowned chef, so I guess I don't have it too bad."

Sokka was shocked to hear Zuko try and make a joke. He couldn't lie, having fancy meals be cooked for you every day did seem quite appealing to him, even if Katara cooked most of their meals for them back at the south pole.

"Can we eat?" Sokka said his stomach growling loudly at that point. Zuko nodded and before he could even pick up his fork Sokka started devouring the food. Zuko and Katara looked at each other in shock, and then mischievous smiles spread across their faces as they looked back at Sokka whose face was now turning bright red.

His eye twitched and his face became red like a pepper before he let out a scream. He got up and ran around the table before grabbing his glass of water and downing it in one go. His forehead began sweating profusely and he ran around the table more shouting and panting like a madman.

Katara and Zuko brought into a fit of laughter as they watched him grab their glasses of water and splash it on his face shouting, "Katara! Water!"

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