Chapter 43: A Night Under the Stars

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The sun had long since set by the time they had gotten back to the palace, and the night sky was dotted by thousands of twinkling stars. Sokka had slowed down as they neared the palace doors, looking up at the stars in awe of their beauty.

Zuko couldn't help but stop and admire the night sky too, something he had not done much since his mother disappeared all those years ago. He wondered if his mother was out there somewhere, looking up at the same night sky as him.

"I wish we could stay out here looking at the night sky forever," Sokka said with a sigh.

"I can't stop time so we can do that, but I think I can do the next best thing," Zuko said. Sokka looked at him confused, so Zuko explained, "We can camp outside near the turtle duck pond, that way we can spend the night underneath the stars."

Sokka's eyes widened and a smile spread across his face. They went inside to change and grab a tent, some blankets, and their sleeping bags before making their way to the garden where the turtle duck pond was.

They quickly assembled the tent and spread a blanket out across the grass so they could lay outside and stargaze for a while. While Sokka never took his eyes off the night sky, Zuko alternated between admiring the stars and admiring the incredible man lying next to him.

"Look a shooting star!" Sokka said and pointed towards a streak of light above.

"We had both better make a wish," Zuko said and closed his eyes and made a wish.

When he opened them the shooting star was gone, and he turned his head to look at Sokka who did the same.

"What did you wish for?" Sokka asked.

"I can't tell you or it won't come true," Zuko said with a smile and nudged his boyfriend.

"Oh really? I bet I can find a way to make you tell me," Sokka said with a grin. He turned on his side and started tickling Zuko all over. Zuko was incredibly ticklish and was reeling and trying to bat Sokka's hands away all while the two of them laughed like idiots.

Sokka stopped after a couple minutes and the two laid there next to each other out of breath from laughing so hard. Sokka's hand fell from his stomach and landed on Zuko's. Neither one of them moved their hands, instead they watched the stars shine brightly above. Sokka turned his head to look at Zuko, prompting the firebender to do the same.

"I love you," Sokka said. Zuko smiled and leaned in, gently kissing Sokka as butterflies danced in his stomach.

"I love you more," Zuko said as their lips parted.

For hours Sokka pointed out each one of the constellations to Zuko, teaching him their history and meaning to his people. He memorized each and every one, not wanting to forget anything Sokka taught him.

As the hours passed, they became more and more tired. They both agreed laying on the ground for so long was far less comfortable than they had remembered, and so they decided to head back inside and sleep in their own bed.

Zuko was so glad Sokka had stopped to appreciate the endless universe that only reveals itself at night, because it had turned into one of the happiest memories of his life. They climbed in bed, and Zuko laid his head on Sokka's chest, letting the sound of his breathing put him to sleep.

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