23. Rescuing Our Angel

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Damien POV

We all reached the warehouse where they were keeping Angel. Ashley was acting pretty calm about the situation at hand but I knew that she was just pretending. Everyone impatiently waiting for the signal from the plan we discussed, after all we're burning with revenge.

Luke and Rose will be going to the left and Lisa and Kyle will be going to the right. They would take their teams to take the guards down. After they give the signal to go in Sarah and Gray's team would take down people from the inside. Aiden's and Ray's team would do the rescuing while our team would go straight for the real Snake. We all had earpieces connected to contact in terms of emergency.

I felt a pull on my sleeves and turned to see Ashley looking at me confusedly. She was probably asking me something. "Ready?" She asked to which I snorted.

She looked amused at that. "I mean are you seriously asking me for that. I am more than ready to kill those bitches."

She nodded and raised her hands up and directed the first two teams to get in. They started to go in with pointing their guns that had silencer installed to the guards. After about five minutes we received our signal. "Left, clear." "Right, clear."

"Copied." Ashley replied and directed the next team to go in. As they walked at the front, rescue team and our team followed. This time we didn't use silencers and just took them by surprise. They rang their alarm and according to plan our first two teams should be entering from the backside.

Soon enough all the teams were doing their respective jobs while we were searching for the main bitch.

I heard a gunshot then Ashley shouting, "Fuck! You missed it!" I turned around to see her left hand bleeding. I knew she was alright but I had to stop the bleeding before she looses her consciousness from it. I looked around to find a cloth to tie it around her hand while our team killed the snakes. I cursed as I couldn't find a single spare clothes until I found a dead body. I pulled off his shirt and tied it around her hand to minimize the bleeding.

She looked t me thankfully and we both set off to our original mission. It was nice to converse with someone using eyes and not words. We both hated talking too much and had no issue with expressing ourselves. I was again lost in my thoughts until I heard Aiden on the the earpiece.

Aiden's POV

I was internally panicking for Angel's safety. By now I think everyone had noticed my little crush on her. Me and her brother were leading the rescue team. We were checking all the room but couldn't find a single clue to where she is.

We decided to go to the basement because that's where people usually keep their captives. We all walked down the stairs slowly to avoid any unnecessary attention on us.

All of us were on edge, keeping our eyes and ears open. For the first time in my life I was scared in a mission. Soon our ears were graced with noises of structure. We stopped to get a clear sound to follow the directions.

We came face to face with an ajar door where we could see Angel's hands locked above her head in spiked chains; with wrists ripped open and blood dripping down what was once her smooth pale skin.

She was barely even standing, surrounded in a pool of blood, some still liquid as if they were pulled out of the veins a few hours ago, while some stained the dirty grey dungeon grounds, almost making it turn black; a proof that my Angel wasn't the only one to shed blood in the ruins of this horrid place.

I run to her, not bothering who thought what, and rip the tape off her mouth. I grab her by the waist to support her weight since she looked physically drained.

"They just...just wen-t a-way from here, you can still c-atch the-m." Angel said in a cracked voice as if she has been deprived of water.

I quickly unlock the chains using a piece of wire I found lying in the mess of this room. She collapses in my arms for support as her legs finally gave up, and I tightly hold her to me. Partly to support her and partly to calm the storm that is going on inside me for the past hours of horror I felt without her knowing fully well that wherever she was...she wasn't safe.

I was practically seething with anger. My angst was enough to burn this whole place down and if it wasn't for the angel in my arms, I would have killed those slithering snakes and feel at peace in the ocean of their blood.

"Shush! It's okay we will handle that. Just rest Angel" I whisper in her ears as she leans her head against my chest and closes her eyes. I pick her up bridal style and start walking out of this forsaken place.

"Angel is rescued. The Snakes are escaping from the basement." Luke informed hoping Damien and Ashley can catch them before it's too late.

And with that we leave this place that was a out to burn within a few minutes in the flames of our vexation

Ashley POV

"Let's go." We all turned and ran towards the basement while shooting the enemies down.

"Well well well, who do we have here?" We were now standing out at the open area behind the warehouse. By now Aiden has taken Angel to the hospital and this war was now coming to an end.

Guns were being pointed at each other and nobody wanted to surrender even though they were outnumbered by us.

"You should have slithered back in your unscrupulous swamps when we allowed you an escape after you had shed your fake skin, snake." I resentfully spit out.

Fright engulfs the last of self confidence left in him as he starts retreating back. I look him in his fear stricken eyes with my flaming ones and with a poker face on I pull out my gun.

Following suit, mine and Damien's gang pull out there gang. Two members from our side holding a gang at one of the snakes. One pointed at the heart while the other waiting to take a head shot.

I point at Snake's heart; flashbacks of being ripped apart from my family just to be tortured, flash in front of me. Those days of being away from the love of my life, losing my brother only to have him back but never truly with me. I look at Damien to see him looking back at me while pointing his gun at Snake's head, Damien's eyes flashing the other part of my story, the agony to my pain, the blood to my wounds, the memories of the world that was ripped apart...our world that was ripped apart.

And in that moment, while swimming in the pain flashing in our eyes, our fingers pull the trigger simultaneously.

With one loud bang, mixed in the harmony of both of our guns, one song was sang. Thuds like drum beats added by the falling bodies on the ground, as the last cry of snakes ended the beautiful song...our song.


I think most of you realize that this chapter is not fully written by me because of the style.

I was actually out of idea how to express my thoughts into the writing of this story for which strikinghour helped writing it.

That's the reason the update is so late but anyways only 2 chapters are left hopefully I will finish it soon.

I haven't proof read the chapters yet so if there's any mistake plz point it out I will rectify it during editing.


And thank you whoever that is for still reading this story patiently, I'm grateful.

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