bonus: part 2

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*this scene takes place as a 'continuation' near the end of chapter 37*

Grayson's POV

"I don't think it's a coincidence she and my dad got here at the same time tonight. You should know he didn't actually have business trip to attend the other week."

Fucking bastard booked himself a cheap motel, so he could get some with his bitch of a lover. I smirk as she stands frozen in the doorway, her perfect little world about to shattered.

"Happy birthday." I added, my tone somewhat condescending as I walked back home. She's such a naive little thing, but where she lacks in judgement she makes up in everything else.

You might've been too harsh. You were just supposed to give her the present.

I ran a hand down my face, my jaw set tight as my subconscious nagged. She shouldn't have slapped me earlier, behaving just like every other foul female in this god forsaken city. Did you ever think of that? She should be grateful I told her anyways.

Did she look grateful? For crying out loud, she thought you were the one fucking her mom not even five minutes ago!

Was I too harsh? Fuck.

I groaned while pushing past the garage door, my head pounding from the constant nagging and bickering. I shrugged out of my coat, my gaze lifting to see my father looking in the fridge.

"Well don't you look refreshed." He barely glanced my way, the two of us a mere heated conversation away from fighting each other. "Infidelity sure works up an appetite, right Dad?"

He sighed, shutting the fridge door with a bang. I arched a brow, dying with anticipation to see what meaningless threat Mr. Liam Froyer throws my way today. "Grayson. . . not now."

I chuckled dryly, shaking my head at the disgrace of a man before me. My mother deserves better, and yet he's got her tied to him like a leech. If scared to leave him is her dilemma, I'd have no problem getting him out the picture.

"Then when would it be good? Hmm? Shall I book an appointment and formally call you out on your bullshit?" My voice rose with every question, a burning feeling rising from the depths of my body, tingling all throughout my blood and bones.

You'll need a shower soon.

He closed his eyes momentarily, his hands balled to fist as they rest on the countertop. Looks like I hit a nerve. Oops. Everyone perceived him as this class act guy with the perfect family, but God forbid someone finds a crack in his facade and tries to reveal the real him.

I've made my way closer to him, my elbows perched up on the counter as I held my chin in my palms. "I don't see why you won't tell mom. It's a win-win situation to me; you can go be with your whore, and the rest of us will be happily ridden of your pathetic-"

My lips curled sadistically, my back pushed firmly against the pantry door with his fists gripping the collar of my shirt. His nose flared, breathing heavy and ragged, all while I just wanted to laugh.

"You will not disrespect me in my own home, or so help me God-"

"Or what?" I cut in, the sound of his voice resembling nails on a chalk board. I stare into his eyes menacingly, taunting him through clenched teeth. "Do something. I fucking dare you."

And right on cue, my mom walked into the kitchen, her hands going to straight to his shoulders in efforts to make him let go. I kept my place against the door, watching her look between the two of us with wide eyes.

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