Chapter 15

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Chemistry class proceeded to drag on, but the shared laughs between Grayson and I seemed to make the time go by faster. Tapping my pencil against the paper, I waited for the bell to ring before packing up my book bag.

"God, this class kills me." I groaned while hitching my book bag on my shoulders.

Grayson chuckled to himself while pushing the stool under the desk, before making his way towards the door.

"You actually managed to do absolutely nothing in that class," Grayson commented as we walked down the stairs, "and it's sad."

"Chemistry is single handedly the dumbest class." I retorted while shooting fake daggers at him. Looking up, I could see him smirk as he ran a hand through his hair. "It honestly serves no—what the!"

I gasped as two large hands were placed over my eyes. I stopped walking, almost jabbing the person in the gut, until I heard the rumbling laughter of Damon.

"Damon, what the hell?" I giggle and ask, trying to make my voice sound serious.

"You should know it's always gonna be me." He replied while laughing, his left arm draping around my shoulder as we continued walking again. With a growing smile, I wrap my around his back and watch Grayson walk a couple feet ahead of us.

"Grayson!" I tried calling, but the swarm of murmuring voices overpowered my small voice.

"Why you calling him?" Damon asked, his green eyes looking down at me.

"We were walking together, until a certain somebody," I said while poking his side, "decided to cover my eyes."


"What's up with you?" I sincerely asked while punching past the door, the cool air nipping at my face as I thanked myself for having the jean jacking on. He shook his head as we walked across the parking lot, my eyes glancing between him and our friends. "Damon, I'm serious."

"I don't like him."

He tightened his grip around my shoulders as an attempt to pull me closer. While furrowing my brows, I tucked my hair behind my ear to keep it from blowing in my face.

"What? What do you mean?" I whispered as we began to approach everyone.

Damon shook his head discreetly, silently telling me to drop the conversation for the time being. To keep myself from objecting, I unhooked my arm from around him and lightly jogged the rest of the way over to everyone. I squeezed myself next to Hayden, his arm hooking around my neck once he realized it was me.

Tyler and Grayson were having a laugh-filled conversation, with Kristen casually laughing in at certain parts.

"Where's Damon?" Hayden asked while leaning down to whisper in my ear. Looking over my shoulder, I see Damon walk up and stand next to Hayden. "Oh, what's up?"

Damon replied back, which sparked the beginning of their conversation, leaving me to awkwardly stand in the middle. Looking back over Kristen, she motioned for me to come over.

"Hey," I nonchalantly said. Tyler gave me a quick side hug, breaking away from his conversation with Gray. "What're y'all talking about?"

All eyes were on me now as I waited for a response. The boys began laughing again, leaving Kristen to roll her eyes and come stand next me. My body physically shivered at the sweater dress covering her body, because the wind was extremely too cold for it to only be the end of September.

"They were looking at some memes on Instagram, but now they're just being weird." Kristen informed while hooking her arm around mine.

"Shut up, Kris," Tyler said in-between laughs.

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