Chapter 41

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I ball the damp tissue in my hand, my cheeks still warm from crying. Maria sat her note pad down, her elbows resting on her thighs as she scoots towards the edge of her chair.

I feel I've crossed a milestone of some sort; getting everything out in the open, now it was actually time to deal with everything. In all honestly, all I've done is push those feelings down and tried shutting it out.

That day in the grocery store was the last time I spoke to the Froyer's. I saw them here and there for a few months, but I made it a point for me to see them and not the other way around. Months went by and the nightmares stopped by the time graduation rolled around, but I wasn't looking forward to a celebration.

Damon's name should've been called. He should've been they're with us—with me. It didn't feel complete. Adeline was eight months by then, her bump showing exceptionally under her gown as she waddled across the stage. She had stopped coming after hitting seven months, everything being a lot of pressure for her. She had Lily a month later in July, and I can still hear her morning screams and cries like it was yesterday.

Adeline threw the idea of college out the window long before she started showing I think. College was no longer on my mind after everything, especially with the small amount of cash I had. Life threw me a curve ball and I let it push me onto a different course, and I helplessly just stayed on it.

"How do you feel?" I glance into her green eyes while inhaling deeply.

"Um... surprisingly good, I think. Really this is the first time I've talked about any of it, but it feels a little refreshing I guess."

"Has anything changed since then?" She asks, my brows knitting slightly. "Do you still visit Damon's family? Did you move out of Adeline's home? Things like that."

"I haven't been by there in a couple of months." An ounce of guilt fills me, knowing my visits there shortened around the time I first met Aiden. "I, uh, got caught up in something and I pushed that aside I guess."

Her eyes urge me to further explain, a sigh escaping me as I lean back in the couch. I really didn't know where to start. "I haven't had a job since high school. I could've left and got an apartment from the small amount of money I obtained, but mentally I couldn't be alone. I had Adeline, and her mom made me pay rent behind her husband's back, so I was fine staying there."

"That was just my life for a while. I didn't feel good about it all the time, and I found myself going out a few times early last year. I was running low on money, which made me feel bad. I went to this club one day and left with a guy... I felt alive for the first time in a long time."

"We kept meeting and hooking up, for months, and he started getting me these expensive gifts or whatever in return. I wasn't particularly thrilled to be receiving them for sex, but I didn't turn it down either. Eventually I asked if I could just have cash instead, which wasn't my highest moment, but I needed it. It allowed me to pay for these sessions so..."

"Funny thing is, I-I fell for the guy." I look up and meet Maria's eyes. Apart of me was hoping she wasn't judging Aiden and I's situation. "Maria, really, I didn't think I'd feel for someone again after Damon. Luckily he liked me too, but I felt I was betraying Damon in a way. Silly, right?"

"To answer your other question though, I just moved out of Adeline's place. I actually moved in with him, or uh, Aiden, last weekend."

I drop my gaze, my focus now on my fingers picking at my nails, as I wait for her to speak. I feel exhausted. I spilt a lot out to her this week and I was just glad it was finally off my chest. I was ready to leave and just spend my weekend in peace with Aiden.

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