Chapter 3

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Sirius and I entered the dining room in silence, Cedric shooting me a confused glare, while I shrugged innocently.

Sirius suddenly looked at me as if he realized something, "How did you come here again?"

I frowned, "In my motorbike?"

His eyes widened as a smile made its way onto his face, "You have a motorcycle!?"

"Yes," I said, my eyes reciprocating his state.

"Wow. Moony?" He called out to Remus who had taken the job of answering to Fred and George.

"What is it now Sirius?"

"Did you hear her? She has a motorbike," he said, stressing the word 'motorbike'.

"Really?" Remus asked, surprised.

"Yes," I replied

"You drive?"

"Yes, Moony, I drive. What is so surprising in this?"

"Well, I have known someone just like you.." He said, indirectly mentioning Sirius and his theory of me being an inexplicable replica of Sirius, I mean not that I am complaining since Sirius is pretty much my most favorite character and he falls under the category of cool people.

I gaped at him, "I don't even know how to react."

"What happened there?" Cedric hissed, pulling me further away from the earshot of others who seemed too busy to mind our disappearance or they pretended so.

"Nothing" I tried to look innocent but gave in the moment he started glaring at me, "let it go, Cedric,"

"(Y/N), just..."

"I can't control Cedric, you know how this all is to me, like, 5 years ago I dreamed all of this happening but now it's real and- ugh!" I ran a hand through my hair.

He sighed, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer, "I know, love, I know," he slowly tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, gazing deep into my eyes as if worshipping every hidden detail of me with a small smile on his face, "maybe we could, you know, try to keep it on the low,"

"You don't know how much I do already," I said, pouting and looking away.

He chuckled, "Goodness, is this your low?"

"Yep, I mean if I didn't have to keep it low, you guys would have a really hyper fool to take care of,"

"Well, it wouldn't be a big of a task to me seeing I already do it every day,"

"Ah! How dare you, Diggory!?"

"See, like-"

"Oi, lovebirds!" Fred's voice cut through Cedric's sentence, "don't shag here, there are kids in this room!"

A couple of items were thrown on him from the table as Cedric and I looked like red tomatoes and I buried my head in his shoulder. "that's exactly what he said not to do, mon amour,"

I pulled back, "What the-?" He just chuckled and moved his arms back to his side.

"You suck, Weasley!" I yelled, smacking his head as I walked to sit next to Tonks who seemed to have just arrived.

"You are the new kid!" she yelled standing up quickly and knocking over a goblet in the process.

I chuckled, "yeah"

"And you are that nosy one!" she exclaimed pointing at Cedric.

"Nosy?" Cedric asked, chuckling.

A Promise To Forever...(Cedric Diggory x reader)Where stories live. Discover now