Chapter 11

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"Woah, careful!" I muttered when a girl roughly pushed past me and Cedric.

The girl turned around and I noticed Hufflepuff tie loose dangling around her neck, she shot me a disgusted look before turning to Cedric and locking eyes with him. Cedric looked much uncomfortable more than the time we rewatched the video I had captured as he babbled drunkenly and confused, trying to look anywhere but her eyes.

I pinched Cedric's arm as we huddled back together after the girl left with an exaggerated motion, "Who the hell is she!?"

"Jane, Jane Ostrich-" he said, a small smile forming on his face after he heard my laughter.

"Ostrich?" I giggled.

"Yep. But, it's rude to laugh at other's name,"

"Ah, always the good soul," I said, chuckling.

"Oh, shut it," Cedric huffed, a small blush forming on his cheeks, "she is a Hufflepuff, heard she kinda you know...fancied me,"

"Oo, I have got competition," I said, now full out laughing but it died down the moment Cedric started glaring at me, "sorry,"

We walked in silence before I had an intriguing question in my mind, "Which year is she in?"

"Sixth," he said, pursing his lips.

"That means she is in your year!" I said, my eyes wide.


"Oh, well, since when did she fancy you?" I asked, this time my eyes narrowing at his awkward form.

"Since the second year," he said, wincing as he awaited what is to come from me.

"Second year!?" I asked my eyes once again blown wide and arms crossed before my chest but I didn't allow him to answer, "And why do you know so much about her?"

"You gotta keep up with the rumours you know," Cedric said, putting on a nonchalant facade but it wore off automatically when I looked at him pointedly.

Cedric chuckled nervously, reaching out to wrap his arms around me, which thankfully for him I didn't shrug off, "Uh, well, it was, uh, she fancied me for like over three years-"

"So, you tend to find out about her, isn't it?" I completed his sentence.

Cedric gulped, "Yeah,"

I bit my inner cheek and heaved a deep breath, "just...take care, alright?"

"Sorry, my love," he said, pressing a kiss to my forehead, my eyes involuntarily closing and leaning into him. Oh, the effects this boy had on me!

"M.O.M?" I asked, leaning against (BF/N), both of us howling with laughter.

"You aren't worried about the new decree?" Hermione asked annoyed at our reaction.

(BF/N) and I stood straight and acted unaware of the actual consequence considering the fact Hermione had asked neither of us to attend the meeting at Hogshead, "No," I said, shrugging and (BF/N) did the same.

"Well, why does it affect you so much?" I asked, smirking.

"Oh, um, uh, well, she can't disband student groups i-it will uh cause many problems," she finally managed to stutter out.

"Oh, Hermione," I said sympathetically, shaking my head and patting her shoulder.

"I hate potions," I groaned.

"Trust me. I can feel you," Harry commented.

"And I hate Malloy even more," I stated.

"Malloy?" Harry asked.

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