Chapter 28

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I slid down the back of the pegasus, grinning thankfully at him, "Thank you very much,"

The pegasus whined happily. His wings spread wide as he neighed for one last time before disappearing into the night.

I took a deep breath, intertwining my fingers with Cedric's, "It's alright," I muttered although unsure of whom I was speaking to.

Almost half an hour into the dark corridors of the department of mysteries, puzzled of where we really are, wands drawn and pointing into the darkness, hands tightly clasped together.

"HERMIONE!" We suddenly heard a voice yell. The two of us whipped around in the direction of the voice behind us and darted at lightning speed to one of the twelve doors where the sound echoed from.

Antonin Dolohov stood in front of a motionlessly laying Hermione, Harry crouching next to her and Neville whose nose was bleeding extensively.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Cedric said, clearly and Dolohov froze, his hands and legs became stiff as he fell to the floor.

"(Y/N), Cedric! How did you come here!?" Harry asked, bewildered to see the two of us.

"Hey, Haz, we need to- Oh good Godric!" I started to say but yelled in fright as a man with a baby face but a muscular body stumbled beside me, swinging his arms wildly.

Cedric wrapped an arm around my shoulder, gently moving me to the other side and still held me tightly, "Uh, it doesn't matter," Cedric said, looking at the death eater cautiously.

"We need to get back to the rest first," I completed.

"Yeah, we need to check if sh- wait a second, how do you know there are others?" Harry asked, scrunching his eyebrows and frowning.

"It doesn't matter," I said hurriedly, looking around, "And she is alive just pick her up and follow me,"

Before we left the room I heard a loud sound of something falling onto the floor and shattering, repeatedly.

"Oh-" I cursed when a giggling Ron came into my sight, "it really is gonna be a great day,"

Cedric crouched next to Ginny's broken ankle. "We can fix it?" I asked, looking at him intently.

"I-I can try," he said, examining her ankle carefully.

Ginny hissed, "Absolutely not,"

"I said I will fix it,"

"You said you will try and I very much love having bones in my ankles,"

Cedric glared at her, "You think I'm incapable of fixing a bone!?"

"Alright shut it, you two," I said, rolling my eyes, "Just-"

"There they are!" a female voice shrieked.

I spun around so rapidly I was afraid I would have whiplash. I gritted my teeth as I saw Bellatrix, her malicious glint feeding the hatred I had on her. Cedric was soon next to be, holding my hand, loosely but I knew it would tighten the moment a movement took place.

Bellatrix's eyes scanned my shuddering form, an evil smile formed on her face, "Who might you be girl?"

Her eyes then hovered over Cedric, and her smile slipped. I smirked, "(Y/N) (L/N),"

The air around us grew thick. It was pin-drop silent, almost hurting, not a thing moved, not a breath sounded. And then a jet of bright red sparks flew straight towards us.

It seemed as though the time stopped, the sparkling jet flew straight towards me, hitting me right on the chest before any of us could react.

My surroundings seemed too dull as a gasp echoed in my ears - For all I knew, it could have been mine - and a high pitched shriek. I slowly lost balance as black spots danced viciously before my eyes.

I stumbled slightly, my hand grabbing an arm. "(Y/N)!" I could vaguely register Cedric yelling and then blank.

I bolted upright, gasping for air as the cold air hit my face, finally felt familiar. An arm wound around my waist helping me stay up straight, "What-what's happen-happening?" I managed to stutter out.

Cedric gulped, looking around, carefully, "darling, are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah. I am fine," I struggled to stand up to my feet and leaned against the wall, shaking my head, trying to clear my vision.

The room was black and...the two doors up above were open. Kids and adults and death eaters scattered across, "Sirius," I muttered, standing straight with the support and coughed. I felt something metallic against the inside of my cheek yet ignored it.

"Love, love," Cedric blocked my path and held my arms, "darling, your not alright, beautiful,"

He swiped his thumb against my bottom lip and held it for me to see - blood.

"It doesn't matter more than a life," I pushed away from him.

He held my wrist as I tried to leave the secluded corner Cedric managed to find, "Cedric-"

"At least, get your wand," He muttered. I spun around and into his arms, smashing my lips against his. I kissed him as though it would be the last time I did and Merlin knows if that would be true.

"I love you," the two of us said simultaneously after we pulled away and then chuckled. He passed me my wand.

I took a deep breath, squaring my shoulders and rushed back into the place, blocking curses thrown my way, eyes scanning the room for a single person I hoped wasn't present.

I wouldn't know, suddenly I stopped blocking yet not a hex came my way as I stared at the man before me, wand out and throwing curses and blocking what was thrown his side. Sirius Black. He didn't keep his promise. He lied. I gulped down the lump in my throat.

"Nice one!" shouted Sirius, when he saw Harry petrify Dolohov, "Now I want you to get out of -" a jet of green light passed, narrowingly missing him.

It was all going to end. I needed to act soon. I didn't come here to watch Sirius die, I came here to save him.

I rushed past the crowd, pushing past death eaters, order members, Harry, Neville, anyone in my way to get to the dais where Bellatrix and Sirius duelled. I had let my guard down knowing I had back up.

I could hear Cedric shouting curses as he looked around carefully, his back to mine.

"Stupefy!" I gasped, ducking the red jet passing beside me. The curse bounced next to her.

"Kid! What are you doing!?" Sirius yelled. Bellatrix cackled, maniacally.

I looked at him, I didn't know what emotion my eyes held, but Sirius' smile slipped completely, he stood frozen, looking into my eyes, his own slowly filling with fear.

"Shut it, Sirius," I said, softly. Exhaustion wove into my words and I knew it had an ill effect on Sirius for his eyes looked as though one of a broken soul.

"Ooh," Bellatrix raised her wand...

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