Chapter 17

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A/N this is just short and cute. But I need to know a piece of important information - Remadora or Wolfstar? (regardless of who dies). I dunno but I have given hints for both of them and I swear no angst whatever the ship is.

I successfully managed to convey the absolute mind-blowing information I got from Hades to (BF/N) without anyone hearing or either of us passing out.

"What!?" She exclaimed, her jaw dropped to the ground as I nodded rapidly.

"Oh, my gods. Wait a second does that mean you can bring people who die, alive again,"

"That's what he said - stop giggling - and he also specifically mentioned if they are physically dead,"

"Huh? Can anyone be dead emotionally or socially?"

"I dunno," I chuckled.

That Christmas was perhaps a great one, especially for Sirius, his excitement was so contagious and annoying at the same time. That morning we were asleep in the bedroom when there were loud knocks on the door.

"Ugh," I groaned rolling over, the knock sounded once again, "See who it is, (N/N)," I slurred, my hand sleepily tapping hers.

"Wake up, ladies!" Sirius yelled, "It's Christmas,"

"Sirius get the hell away from the door," I yelled.

"Nuh huh! Only you and (BF/N) are asleep on this beautiful day. Wake up!"

"Ugh! Sirius shut up!"

"You open the door now, or I am coming in no matter what,"

"Have some respect, Black,"

I heard Sirius snort and calmly say, "Open the door,"

"A calm Sirius is always dangerous," (BF/N) said within the confines of her blanket cocoon, "So open the door,"

"I hate the two of you so much," I grumbled and stood up, draping the blanket around my shoulder and dragged my feet to the door.

"What?" I lazily asked Sirius, leaning against the door frame.

"Merry Christmas!" Sirius yelled with enthusiasm and raised his hands doing some weird sort of jazz.

I blinked and sighed, "Merry Christmas,"

"Eh, come on, be more enthusiastic,"

"Not interested,"

Sirius rolled his eyes and pulled the blanket away from, "Wake up you friend and come to the kitchen in five minutes or else-"

"What? Or else what?"

"I will...uh...ground you!"

I stared at Sirius, a tiny smile on the corner of my lips. I moved closer and wrapped my arms around him, "Merry Christmas, Sirius. Your the best,"

He smiled, "I know, I am,"

"Oh gods," I pulled away, "I take whatever I said back,"

Sirius chuckled, "Whatever, get ready and come down. You've got gifts!" he yelled as he ran down the stairs.

"(N/N), love, darling, idiot, oi!" I shook (BF/N)'s shoulder, "Wake up! Sirius said he will ground us if we don't come,"

There were muffled giggles inside the cocoon, "He will ground us?"

"Yes," I giggled.

"Ah, you have finally covered this...thing!" (BF/N) said, pointing at the Black family tree.

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