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"Between what is said and not meant, and what is meant and not said, most of love is lost." Khalil Gibran



Jack's head about exploded as the servant rather awkwardly departed their box. He was already annoyed. Claire had said something utterly ridiculous, and Jack was certain that he had heard it correctly.

Where on earth she had got the idea that he didn't want to be seen with her, he had no idea. Were they not in the most visible box in the whole bloody theatre? The whole idea was to be seen!

But to have that incompetent servant interrupt them to pass on such a sensitive message without at least asking for a private word ... oh, Jack needed another drink. Claire had only sipped her champagne, and Jack had half a mind to take it from her.

Claire had been so excited to come to the theatre and Jack had been enjoying being able to give her such an experience. What had changed? She had appeared rather ashamed and embarrassed after she had told him to dismiss her comment, but now, after the servant's message, she looked completely humiliated.

While not a worldly woman by any stretch of the imagination, Claire could deduce what that message meant, and Jack was not being invited back to the actress' rooms to congratulate her on her performance. Claire's cheeks were bright red and she had turned away from him, keeping her eyes focussed on the stage.

Claire minded. If he could deduce anything from her reaction, it would be that much. Jack had no intention of visiting with Giulia, but the knowledge that Claire cared did help him a little.

"Claire," Jack began softly, trying to steer away from the outraged tone he had just been using with her.

"Hush," she replied quickly, not turning to look at him. "It's starting."

Jack uttered an expletive under his breath as the orchestra began to play and the curtain was lifted, revealing a beautiful set, and the performers ready to sing the opening aria. No sooner had the first tenor began to sing, Claire gripped her chair from underneath and began to shuffle.

Jack was about to ask her why she was moving away from him when he saw that she was pulling it closer to the edge of the balcony. Perhaps she couldn't see over, he surmised. She was not very tall. Claire further surprised him by forgoing the perfect posture of a lady and resting her arms on the balcony edge, knitting her fingers together before she leaned forward and rested her chin on her hands. She looked as though she were in a dream-like trance as she watched the performance.

Claire wanted to enjoy herself, and Jack did not want to spoil one minute of her first theatre experience by talking about Giulia Panetta. There would be plenty of time after the performance to explain that, as well as to find out whatever had made her believe that she was embarrassed to be seen with –

It suddenly dawned on Jack. Oh, of course. It was plainly obvious. He had sent her inside when he had gone to greet Tourney, Chamberlain, Hastings and Yeardley. She had inquired after them casually when he entered the theatre to meet her and he had been dismissive.

The very idea that Claire could believe that his shame was directed on her. Jack stared at Claire, wishing that she would turn around so that he could see the happiness in her eyes. Certainly, she would believe him now that his shame was his own after the servant's damning message.

Jack found watching Claire far more amusing than watching the performance. Her shoulders tensed during moments of suspense and she tapped her feet excitedly when she was enjoying a song. But as much as he liked seeing her enjoy herself, Jack felt as though he was missing out on her company. He knew all was not well.

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