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"Don't look now, but that's my ex over there."

Surely I'm not the only one who takes "don't look now" as "there's no better time than now." I looked.

"Bad, Ali!" Another slap to my arm. "Bad, bad, bad Ali! Have you no self control?"

Gena Showalter, Alice in Zombieland



Claire's ballgown arrived early Saturday morning, and the timing could not have been more fortuitous seeing as the winter assembly was that evening. What was not fortuitous, however, was that her measurements were not what they had been a few weeks earlier. Even with the slight give of the fabric, Claire felt as though she had grown rather voluptuous for her small frame, and the neckline did nought but display it.

The fabric was a beautiful white silk, with the bodice and sleeves adorned with Chantilly lace and pearls. Claire would have wanted to wear the diamond ear bobs that Jack had gifted her, but on top of the gown, Claire would not have felt right wearing such riches in front of people she knew so well.

"I don't suppose you could lace me in a little tighter, Ruby?" Claire asked her sister's lady's maid. As Claire had no maid of her own yet, Ruby had been attending her as well. "I seem to have indulged a little at luncheon," she lied feebly.

After knowing what the servants discussed downstairs, Claire knew that Ruby was aware of the true reason her gown was a little snug. But she didn't say anything as she tightened Claire's corset. Claire prayed her chest did not appear inappropriate.

Ruby had fixed Claire's hair immaculately, and she had once again donned rouge. Claire felt the prettiest she had ever been. Once her gown was buttoned, and appearing semi-decent, her gloves were on, and she had stepped into her slippers, Claire departed her dressing room to find Jack waiting for her on the bed.

Reading, of course.

Jack hadn't noticed her for a brief moment, and Claire couldn't help but smile at him. He was slouched against the pillows, his head cocked to the side. His dark hair, which needed a trim, was curlier than ever as it fell across his forehead. He had an expression of deep concentration, though she could see the excitement in his hazel eyes as he read something gripping. It was though she was staring at innocent wonder, and there was great beauty in it.

Claire cleared her throat and Jack looked up, a wide, appreciative smile spreading across his face. It was the smile she liked, the one that touched his eyes, and the one that often seemed to vanish at times in this house.

As he stared, Claire quickly became self-conscious, and would have no need for the rouge. "It is a little tight," Claire uttered nervously, attempting to pull up her gown from the neckline. "I did not realise how quickly expectant women expanded."

Jack laughed quietly as he abandoned his book and climbed off of the bed. "You are beautiful. You are the standard of beauty all women aspire to, for true beauty shines from within."

Claire's lips parted in surprise as Jack reached her. She could feel that he meant every word with the utmost sincerity, and he was gazing upon her with what could only be described as desire. Claire was instantly reminded of what Jack wanted from her, and she felt a nervous flutter of apprehension in her stomach.

Claire forced it aside, hating that her natural reaction to affection had become suspicion. She wanted to enjoy their evening, their first as a married couple in the Ashwood parish.

Jack seemed to sense her hesitance and he smiled sympathetically. "Did you know it is three years tonight since we met?" he asked.

Claire's eyes widened. Indeed, it was. Three years since their first and only dance together.

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