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"To say that one waits a lifetime for his soulmate to come around is a paradox. People eventually get sick of waiting, take a chance on someone, and by the art of commitment become soulmates, which takes a lifetime to perfect." Criss Jami, Venus in Arms



Though the gathering may have been small, the dinner given at Ashwood House was as grand as there ever was. No expense seemed to have been spared, and Claire could not help but worry about such matters being a ruse to fool gossiping servants who may have relayed any other oddities to their neighbours and friends in the parish.

If the younger Lord Beresford and his bride were not celebrated properly, ought that be something to be suspicious about? As it was, the vicar's wife was in attendance, and Claire knew that if she were not anything but a perfect bride, the whole village would be whispering.

Jack played his part brilliantly, effortlessly so. He kept a guiding hand on the small of her back when they were standing for conversation and positioned their chairs towards each other ever so slightly when they were seated. Claire could not help but feel as though things were under control when she was near Jack.

"It will not be long until we can retire," murmured Jack quietly as the servants took their dessert dishes away.

This comment, having meant to put her at ease, did quite the opposite, in reminding Claire of what was expected of her.

She did not have more than twenty seconds to compose herself before she felt a touch on her forearm. Claire twisted to look to Grace. She was seated beside Claire as her matron of honour, though Claire had barely spoken three words to Grace since the whole engagement was announced. Grace was too inquisitive, and Claire was far too fragile to keep up her charade.

Her sister was paler, upon closer inspection by Claire. Grace's usual perfect complexion seemed to have bene marred by interruptions to her sleep. Perrie, Claire thought, was quite independent in the nursery, so Claire attributed it to her own folly.

"Are you happy?" Grace whispered, so quietly so only Claire could hear her.

"Why do people keep asking me that?" Claire retorted thoughtlessly.

"Because you ... you don't look ..." Grace pursed her lips. "I had only hoped to see a different expression upon your face on your wedding day is all."

Claire wasn't cross. How could she be? Grace only cared. Claire cared about Grace's opinion perhaps more than anyone. "Jack is a good man," she promised, only wishing Grace knew just how decent he was.

Grace mulled over Claire's words for a moment before she nodded, accepting them. "Perhaps, one day, you might tell me about the Jack that you know," she probed. "I should like to know the sort of man who could win your heart."

Claire prayed her smile was still firmly in place and convincing. Oh, how Grace already knew and disapproved of the man who had first won her heart.

"It will be announced while you are on your honeymoon trip, but I wanted to tell you quietly now ... I am with child." All apprehension and exhaustion seemed to vanish from Grace's eyes as she revealed the happy news.

Claire did her best to retain her composure as she beamed at her sister. "Oh, what happy news!" she whispered excitedly. "Does Adam know?"

Grace nodded. "Yes, we were to announce at Perrie's birthday, but ..."

Claire bit down on her lip. She could not imagine returning her sister's news and receiving the same warm reaction. If Grace's news was announced at the table now, there would be a champagne toast. If Claire's news was announced ...? Not even Jack could save her then. The dates would simply not add up.

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