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"The day I found my smile again was when I stood in my own storm and danced with my tribe." Shannon L. Alder



Claire walked with Jack out of the parlour and back towards the drawing room. Jack looked shaken, and Claire clung onto his arm tightly to let him know that she was there.

Jack stopped abruptly in the middle of the hallway, nearly causing Claire to stumble at the sudden loss of momentum. "Nobody has ever stood up for me like that before," he said gratefully, looking down at Claire. "Nobody has ever said such kind things on my behalf, especially to my mother. Claire, did you mean it? Did you mean what you said?"

Claire's mouth opened with surprise as she saw the genuine uncertainty in Jack's eyes. He truly didn't know if Claire was sincere. "Oh, Jack," she breathed sympathetically. "I meant every word," she promised him. "You have nothing to prove to her," she insisted. "But she will see her folly when you start your business," she added confidently. She placed a hand on his cheek. "I know you will take care of me, and of our child. I have unwavering faith in you."

Jack stared at her in awe for a moment. Claire could see something in his eyes that was being left unspoken, but only for a moment before his gaze dropped and his lips captured hers in a searing kiss. Claire completely lost her footing in the moment and Jack's arms wound around her waist and supported her completely. Claire felt passion from Jack, as though he was giving her everything he had.

When he pulled away, Jack hovered a mere half inch from her face. A shadow cast itself across his face and his eyes looked so very dark and fiery. "You cannot know what it means to hear you say that," he murmured quietly.

Claire quickly realised she was quite out of breath. She exhaled shakily. "We are a team, are we not? I will always find the courage to fight dragons for you ... not that I am likening your mother to a dragon –"

But Jack interrupted her thought with a fit of laughter. He then pressed his lips to Claire's temple and kissed her softly.

"Oh, Lord, do you think she heard?" panicked Claire. They were not so far from the parlour.

"So, what if she did? It's my turn for the next dragon."


The Winter Assembly was always the last social gathering before the winter months set in. Ashwood, like most of England, grew freezing with icy winds and endless rain. Any snow that fell was washed away and would most likely resist sticking to the ground until January.

Before anyone knew, it was Christmastime, and Claire estimated that she was about five months along in her pregnancy, though as far as anyone else knew, she was approaching her fourth month. She was showing noticeably now, though she did try to disguise her size as best she could with heavy winter dresses and sitting at particular angles.

Only Jack had witnessed her proper size. It was something that she had felt she would feel awfully uncomfortable doing, but the more the child grew, the more it felt like Jack's. Whenever Claire pictured the baby as a young boy or girl, she always saw lovely curly hair, dark like Jack's, and beautiful hazel eyes. Though she knew it was impossible, it only made her excited for any future children they might have. And as soon as that thought had entered her mind, it was hard not to think about just how a child was created. She only knew too well.

But as much as Claire could delude herself into imagining that the child she was currently carrying would look like Jack, she found herself increasingly worrying how Jack was feeling. And these worries had begun to make her resistant to affection. Truth be told, as soon as she was beginning to visibly show her pregnancy, she felt guilty every time Jack tried to touch her. Of course, he was never forward or forceful, but she couldn't help but feel ashamed at what he would think if he kissed her and could feel the protrusion of her stomach.

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