Chapter 3

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March 2014

The moment Karlie's eyes open she is filled with dread. She has now woken up to her last day with Taylor, and she is sad to see such a fun three days come to an end. Between both of their busy schedules and living on opposite coasts, there is no telling when the next time the two will be able to be together again. Having met in early December, it practically took them three months to figure out the logistics of this little trip.

Taylor and Karlie were once more in the same bed, but for no other reason than that they wanted to be. They retired for the night to Taylor's bedroom, complete with a massive California king bed canopy set up, although, with the way they slept last night both girls could have fit together in a twin sized bed. Karlie's arm was protectively wrapped around Taylor, whose body was against the model's own.

Karlie lightly rested her cheek against the back of Taylor's head, breathing in the slight traces of Taylor's fruity perfume that lingered from last night. Karlie closed her eyes, tightening her hold on Taylor, enjoying the coziness of her setting.

Their night had been a great one, despite Taylor having her moment. Once they arrived back at Taylor's house, all was forgotten. They baked, danced, watched movies, and laughed the entire time while doing it all. Not once over the past three days has it felt like it was the first time the two friends have really spent time together, everything felt natural. They never ran out of topics to talk about and there was never a long period of time that passed without the two's laughter mingling together. Karlie thought about it and couldn't really think of a friend that she could spend three straight days with alone like this and enjoy every moment.

Karlie felt Taylor begin to awake beside her.

"Hey," Karlie says, moving her head from resting on Taylor's.

"I'm going to have to invest in a six foot long body pillow once you leave," Taylor says, softly laughing. She reaches for Karlie's hand on her abdomen, and links their fingers together. Taylor stretches her arm out in front of her and brings the model's with her, still linked by the hands. Both girls continue to lie on their sides in silence, staring at their outstretched linked hands resting on the bed. Fiddling with each other's fingers, Taylor breaks the silence and asks, "Is this weird?"

Karlie laughs at the question before answering, "Who cares?"

Taylor rolls over under Karlie's arm to face the model now, and rests her head on her hand. "Okay, this sucks," Taylor says, the tone of voice not matching the small smile on her face. Karlie's smile quickly vanishes.

"I know, I don't want to go," Karlie says, lifting her head onto her hand mimicking the singer.

"Do you have a lot of work this week?" Taylor asks.

"No, I'm actually off this week, so that makes things a little better I guess," Karlie replies.

"Wait! Karlie, just stay here!" Taylor exclaims. Her blue eyes fill with excitement and she squeezes Karlie's hand.

"Taylor.. I want to but I have a flight already booked.. I only packed for a couple of days," Karlie says slowly, wanting more than anything to remain in California, but thinking that may be overstaying her welcome.

"I will literally pay for your flight back, you can use my jet. And do you see my closet? I have more than enough clothes. I'm off this week and everything! Pleaseee!" Taylor begs. Karlie smiles at how quickly Taylor just came up with solutions, and is warmed by how badly the blonde wants her to stay as well. It is nice to know that she seems to want to spend as much time with Karlie as she does with the singer.

"I mean, I guess if you want me to, if you don't mind me staying," Karlie says slowly, before being engulfed in a massive hug that knocks her from her side onto her back.

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