Chapter 22

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June 5, 2014

Normally, Taylor would be thankful for a day off in between shows, especially in a part of the world where jet lag was inevitable. However, she can't help but curse her scheduling now as she lay in her empty hotel room having literally nothing to do with herself. She can't even stand the thought of writing anymore. She has already made her fifth album complicated enough as it is by writing so many new songs, but her brain is genuinely tired from working on different lyrics, melodies, harmonies, rhyme schemes, chord progress— Oh, there is the headache again.

Taylor groans as her head begins to dully ache. Jet lag combined with her sudden inability to sleep has been slamming Taylor hard. She couldn't rest her eyes a moment without thinking of Karlie. She thought she has missed people before in her life, but there was nothing quite like this. She needed to talk to her, needed to hear her voice and her laugh. Just thinking about those two sounds made Taylor feel better, so she can only imagine how she would feel actually hearing them. Taylor needed to know that the younger girl was doing okay, that she was at least faring better than Taylor was. Although that would hurt the singer she still wouldn't want Karlie to miss her this badly, this painfully. It was unlike anything Taylor has ever experienced. There wasn't even the briefest of moments when Karlie wasn't on her mind. She was constantly there, Taylor's own brain reminding her of cruelness of their argument, the mistake Taylor has continually made with the girl since the road trip, and just how easy things could be right now if she was able to talk to Karlie as usual. She never expected to find herself being so dependent on another person.

Last night Taylor had desperately imagined Karlie beside her in bed. She was lying down in a much too large king sized bed, a dreadfully empty bed, a bed that would have felt so much warmer with Karlie in it too. Taylor spent the better part of an hour before falling asleep just imagining Karlie there. She recalled the way Karlie's arms around her created a safe hold like no other, despite the slenderness of them. She thought of how often the model rested her cheek on Taylor's head, or how she nuzzled Taylor's head below her chin. She thought of her smell, the mixture of something fruity yet woodsy. She thought of how tightly pressed together they so often were, each inch of the back of Taylor's body in contact with Karlie's front, with their legs artfully intertwined. Karlie clung to her the entire night, providing her with a warmth and security that was so pure it was enough to make her fall asleep just imagining it alone.

Taylor rolled over and saw that was in a late 3 in the morning now, she had no choice but to get some rest. She would have a show tomorrow to put on and she couldn't perform any less than her best. She planned on falling asleep in much the same way as yesterday, daydreaming about the loving way only Karlie could hold her under blankets.

As she grabbed her iPhone to set an alarm for the following morning, an Instagram notification popped up. Could Taylor be reading it right? Karlie Kloss?

Taylor sits up in her bed quickly, staring at the phone in disbelief before frantically sliding at the screen. What has Karlie posted?

How pathetic is it that this is the most interaction I have gotten from my best friend in weeks? Taylor thinks to herself, although feeling giddy before even seeing the picture.

The post couldn't have loaded fast enough for Taylor no matter what, but finally looking down at the picture Taylor is completely floored. The picture is nothing special, but it makes her realize she has missed Karlie even more than she thought, which she didn't think could be possible. The picture is from the Vanity Fair Oscar Party, the first weekend they truly spent time together, even before their road trip. Jaime King is in the photo too, but Taylor couldn't care less once seeing the caption "missing these lovely ladies."

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