Chapter 25

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June 20, 2014

Taylor wakes up at the feeling of Karlie no longer sleeping against her and leaving the bed.

“What are you doing?” Taylor asks sleepily, seeing the model sitting on the edge of the bed.

“I have to pee,” Karlie replies, sounding even more tired than Taylor.

“Need help?” Taylor asks as Karlie stands up and begins walking to the nearby connecting bathroom. Karlie doesn’t reply, and when she makes it to the bathroom’s doorway Taylor adds, “Leave the door open, in case.” Karlie makes no reply once more but does as she is told.

Taylor turns her attention towards the napping kitten beside her, the fact that Karlie spontaneously bought her a pet finally sinking in. As lightly as she can, Taylor runs a single finger along the sleeping kitten’s body, she being so small that anything more surely would have woken it up. The kitten is beautiful with the purest white fur imaginable, and although not visible now Taylor is aware of the very rare blue eye color the cat possesses. Why would Karlie even think of doing this for her?

No sounds of struggle come from the bathroom and soon Karlie is walking back towards the bed. “What time is it?” Karlie yawns. Reaching the bed, she practically collapses facedown on the mattress before moving to rest on Taylor’s chest once more.

“9:30,” Taylor replies. Karlie mumbles a sound, acknowledging Taylor’s response. “I know you’re tired, but can you explain why I have a new kitten beside me?” Taylor asks, smiling at the top of Karlie’s head laying against her.

Karlie lifts her head to smile at the kitten. She looks back at Taylor, with a much smaller smile on her face. “I hate what I had to decide between. And I can’t stand the idea that I probably hurt you. I know we haven’t talked about it much, and I guess we probably shouldn’t, but I just wanted to do something that I know would make you happy,” Karlie says quietly, staring Taylor in the eyes. Taylor always finds it unsettling, in a good way, how direct Karlie’s stare could be even in times of intimate conversation, when it is far easier to look away while speaking.

Taylor has a small smile on her face when she begins, “You didn’t have to do this. I told you—“

“I know. Everything is okay,” Karlie finishes for her, repeating the sentiments Taylor had tried drilling into their brains a couple days ago. By the way Karlie says it with the broken voice she is still sporting from sickness, it is very clear that everything is absolutely not okay. They are both silent, staring at each other, maybe waiting for the other to bring up Karlie’s decision again. The last thing Taylor wants to be doing right now is staring into Karlie’s green eyes, but she feels as though she owes it to the model to meet the intensity of her gaze. Just when Taylor believes she can’t stand looking into her daring eyes any longer, the kitten beside them meows, giving each girl a chance to look to their sides.

The kitten stretches out her very tiny paws, opening her even tinier mouth for a yawn. Taylor squeezes her arms tightly around the model and strains between gritted teeth, “She’s so cute I don’t know what to do with myself!” Karlie begins to laugh, only setting off a coughing fit, as Taylor crushes her in a hug watching the kitchen. “Did I just squeeze you to death?” Taylor asks, loosening her hold as she watches the model both laugh and cough at the same time, eyes becoming watery.

“I’m fine,” Karlie waves her off, breathless in between coughs. Taylor reaches for a new bottle of Gatorade she placed on the nightstand, handing it to Karlie as she coughs. Karlie’s cough settles as she drinks from the bottle. She hands it back to Taylor as she wipes at her teary eyes. “Jesus,” Karlie mutters.

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