Chapter 9.2

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July 22, 2014

"I heard that you're dating Karlie Kloss," Selena says, her voice sounding smug.

Taylor sits up as straight as can be, pushing Karlie off of her. She tries to think of a response, but instead remains silent, holding her breath as she stares at Karlie. Without knowing what exactly is going on, Karlie still looks tense as her green eyes stare steadily into Taylor.

"Well, aren't you?" Selena asks, still smug but her voice tinged with accusation.

Taylor is still silent, shocked by the suddenness of this reveal, and unsure of just how to move past it.

"Taylor, I already— Cara, shut up," Selena laughs, her voice sounding far away, as though no longer as close to the phone.

"Cara..." Taylor says slowly, glaring at Karlie now. Karlie widens her eyes, immediately recognizing that Taylor's mood has shifted.

"Well, it's my birthday—"

"Happy birthday, I texted you, and I was going to call you and I wore an 'S' necklace and—"

"AND SO I rented a nice boat and invited Cara along. Precisely three minutes ago, you know what Cara asks me? She asks me what I think about you and Karlie," Selena says, ignoring Taylor's attempt at a subject change.

Taylor purses her lips and looks to Karlie. "Go. Call Cara now. Go," Taylor says tersely, pointing a finger out of the room. Karlie quickly gets up and leaves the room, sneaking a tentative glance as she leaves.

"Oh! So she's there now with you?! Cara, Karlie is— Oh, she's calling you?" Selena asks, her voice a combination of excited laughter and amusement.

"Selena," Taylor breathes, feeling none of the excitement that Selena obviously feels. "Has Cara told anyone else?"

"No! Okay, Taylor, first of all, I am completely mad at you for—"

"Selena!" Taylor exclaims, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Has she told anybody else?"

"Taylor, no, she hasn't told anybody. She promises," Selena says, her voice now much more comforting, perhaps sensing her best friend's nervousness.

"What...what the fuck is going on, oh my god," Taylor groans, lying onto her back, staring at the ceiling as she tightly clutches the phone against her ear in an attempt to get her hand to stop shaking.

"Okay, stop, relax, everything's fine. Listen to me, this is what happened. Cara is with me for my birthday. We are in the middle of the ocean on a boat. We are drinking. Cara says 'Oh my god! Finally someone I can talk to! What do you think about Taylor and Karlie?' I had absolutely no idea what she meant, and she could tell, but then I could tell she was keeping something from me. For half an hour I bothered her, and then she told me you're dating," Selena says firmly, in an even tone of voice. "No one knows. I know. Cara knows. She's never told anyone else. And then I just called you immediately."

Taylor takes a deep breath, telling herself that everything is okay, her secret is still safe, but suddenly she feels like this secret is out of her control. First Josh, now Selena, all in the know despite Taylor's best efforts. There would always be a leak.

"Taylor?" Selena asks tentatively.

"I'm fine," Taylor says through gritted teeth.

"Taylor, everything's okay!" Selena says with a slight coo in her voice. "Don't freak out, seriously, don't."

Years and years of friendship have made each girl extremely familiar with each intricacy and component of the other's emotions.

"Okay, I'm fine," Taylor replies, trying to convince herself of this as she says it.

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