Chapter 26: Too Coincidental

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Rykan was very busy. Not to the point he didn't make time for me, but he was usually gone the whole day and only sometimes made it back to the house with lunch. The first two weeks I spent with Rykan, he gave me his full attention and all his time but then he had to make up for work he missed. I wanted to be able to help him since it seemed his responsibilities were endless but I didn't know what I was doing. Which was why I pulled as many books as I could off the shelves in his office so I could read about the whole werewolf and leadership thing and was now curled up in my room with one of those books. Turns out a Luna is apparently a bigger deal than I even realized.

So, yeah, no pressure.

I sighed and closed the book, glancing at the clock. Rykan woke up very early in the mornings and he always said goodbye to me quickly so he wouldn't wake me up too much but after weeks of sleeping with him, I found I didn't fall asleep easily without his arms around me. So I ended up getting up early as well but now it was eight in the morning and I felt like having breakfast.

Normally Rykan would eat with me but he said he had a lot to do today and wouldn't make it back for that. So I sent Elizabeth home after telling her for the millionth time I didn't need her to cook for me every day and I got a bowl of cereal.

It was while eating that cereal in the living room I turned the news on and saw something very unexpected. I didn't plan to watch the news, I turned it on to just have something on while I ate since the house was so quiet but I saw it before I could change the station. I turned it up and dropped the spoon in my bowl, reading the headlines in disbelief.

Candidate for Mayor, Evan Wilson was attacked in his home last night, shortly after a sex-tape was released of him with a woman that most certainly wasn't his wife. He is in critical condition with multiple broken bones and a concussion. Based on evidence left behind, it appeared to be a break-in gone wrong...

I blinked a couple times and repeated the words in my head. I knew Rykan was angry about what Evan did but he wouldn't... Would he?

Then I remembered last night. He was so strange last night. I'd been at Fiona and Curt's house because she was out of rehab and finally able to go home. He asked me some questions about it and although it was sweet, the way he asked about her wellbeing, I did feel like there was something else going on.

Then it got even more questionable as the news continued.

City council members George Lawson and Jacob Gonzalez were in a car accident while on their way to the office to deal with the embezzlement scandal that came out shortly after Wilson's sex tape did, leaving both in critical care...

Evan, George and Jake all hurt in one night? All their careers put in jeopardy in one night? That was a little too coincidental... Yeah, I needed to know.

I got up and went out the front door, knowing full well there was always someone on standby. I wasn't surprised to see it was Xavier, the Delta I was most used to. Deltas come after Gammas, I reminded myself.

"Good morning, Luna," Xavier greeted, stepping up to me as I walked out the front door. "I thought we weren't leaving until eleven today?"

Xavier quickly became the only one to go with me whenever I left the territory to meet Les and Annie or Fiona or whatever else I needed to do and he was quickly becoming my favorite person- besides Rykan of course- to be around. Today I was meeting Les for lunch but the truth was even if I wasn't, Rykan seemed to always Xavier on standby despite me telling him Xavier had better things to do than spend a whole day guarding me. Rykan claimed he wasn't spending all his time guarding me but I found it unlikely that he just happened to always know when I was about to go somewhere.

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