Chapter 23: Weird Interaction

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Poor Curtis looked so upset it hurt. They stopped in front of me and Evan didn't look at me. Good, he shouldn't. Curtis looked between us and sighed, shaking his head.

"Kora, it doesn't matter because nothing justifies my son hitting you. Nothing justifies that. But he told me something I just don't know if I can believe, knowing you. And I need to know if my son is still lying to me," he said, sending a glare to Evan before focusing on me again. "Can you be honest with me even if it's uncomfortable?" He asked.

"Of course I can," I nodded. "The only time I ever lied to you was when we snuck away on that camping trip," I said, trying to lighten the mood. It half-way worked. He gave me a small smile but it laced with so much pain I wasn't sure it was worth making the little joke.

"Evan tells me you're cheating on him," he said, looking at me carefully. "I just don't see you as that girl, Kora. I really don't."

"I wasn't cheating on him," I said. I really wasn't. I felt bad for the Rykan thing but the whole situation was confusing and I really didn't think it counted as cheating. "Not really. But I did meet someone," I said honestly. "I met him a couple weeks ago and we have seen each other since meeting and admittedly yes, we kissed. I met him and we hit it off and I didn't mean for us to hit it off but we did and it doesn't matter anyway because I told Evan we were over five months ago. I was waiting until the lease was up to leave so I wouldn't be sticking him with the mortgage but we've been over for a while," I explained. "We haven't been truly together for a long time, Curt. We haven't even slept in the same bed for almost two years. And he's sure one to accuse me of cheating," I said, throwing Evan a glare.

"Did he cheat on you?" Curtis asked, frowning.

"Really?" I sighed, looking at Evan. "You tell him I'm cheating but you didn't tell him about your cheating? Did you think I wouldn't say anything?" Evan didn't look at me or Curtis. I took a deep breath and shook my head. "Evan was cheating on me while I was getting treatment. There were times beyond that he admitted but I don't know the specifics. I only know about the maid and the caretaker."

"Is that true?" Curtis asked, looking at Evan. "You slept with the maid and caretaker that your mother and I hired to help Kora while she was sick?"

"No, of course it's not," Evan said, shaking his head.

"Don't lie to me, son," Curtis said, narrowing his eyes.

Evan sighed and ran his hands over his face. "She was sick. It was a hard time."

"Oh, was it hard for you?" Curtis snapped. "She was in the hospital getting the same treatments her mom did and it was hard on you?"

"Curt," I said softly. "Let's not do this. Let's not get into a huge fight today of all days. It really doesn't matter anymore," I said, swallowing hard. "I gave him the divorce papers two days ago. It's over and we have more important things to worry about right now."

"Why didn't you say anything? Either one of you?" He asked, looking between us.

"There's so much going on already," I said, gesturing to the hospital. "I couldn't put that on you. On Fiona. I just couldn't."

Curtis sighed and rubbed his hands over his face, just like Evan. Like father like son. Except Curtis would never treat Fiona the way Evan treated me. We were quiet and it was horribly awkward. Curtis looked over at Evan and shook his head.

"You changed when you got involved in politics," he said. "I may not have known about this but you think I didn't notice how you changed? I noticed and I didn't like it," he said to Evan before turning to me. "Did he tell you I confronted him and told him he wasn't acting right?"

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