Chapter 10: The Meeting

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I woke to the smell of cigars. I hated cigars. I hated them normally but I was extra grumpy because my sleep was dreamless. No Rykan. It disappointed me way more than it should've. I was getting much too attached to him considering I was still technically married and I also could not for the life of me figure out what was real or what I should believe.

I could hear laughing downstairs and recognized the obnoxiousness as George and Jake. Evan must've woken before me and invited them over. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand, seeing I had only twenty minutes before I had to leave to meet Les. That sucked. I wanted to wash hospital off me.

I rolled out of bed and went to my closet, staring at the contents. Even though I'd been strong with Evan in regards to our ending marriage, I still had a lot to do in the self-esteem department. I hated shopping and hated getting ready to go anywhere. I could see myself in these clothes already and knew I'd feel ugly in them. There was something about George and Jake being here that made it worse. I associated Evan's ugly personality turn with them and could still remember how he looked at me with disgust on the rare occasions he looked at me while I was sick and even after.

Cynthia said on the days I felt extra ugly, I should wear something extra nice. She said something about how it would help me feel more confident if I dressed in a way I thought could be pretty. Dress for how you want to feel. So although I kind of wanted to wear loose jeans and a big sweater, I grabbed a mini skirt and long sleeve v neck shirt. I at least liked the way my boobs looked in that shirt. Maybe it would help with that confidence thing.

I grabbed my long boots, the ones that reached mid-thigh. Those were supposed to be sexy. Maybe I'd feel sexy in them or at least not ugly. I got dressed quickly and applied makeup, giving up on styling my hair and just brushing it and leaving it down. I reached into my jewelry box for earrings and paused, seeing a pair that I hadn't worn in years. A pair of earrings Evan had given me, back when he was actually a decent person, back when he actually paid attention to me and did things for me.

That person might as well be dead because he was nothing like he was when I first married him.

I grabbed earrings he hadn't bought for me and put them on quickly. I was leaving a little late so I grabbed my purse and phone and hurried down the stairs towards the door, hoping I wouldn't bump into anyone. I passed by the kitchen which was, unfortunately, where they currently were.

"Hey Kora," George whistled, raising his eyebrows. "Where you off to, sweetheart?"

Sweetheart. God I hated that nickname. I have no idea why I didn't mind angel. It just felt less derogatory. It was probably because Rykan said it. Anyone else I might stab.

"Going out with some friends," I sighed, setting my hands on my hips.

"You let her leave the house like that?" Jake asked, very obviously checking me out.

Evan was doing the same thing the other two were. It made me want to gag.

"Have fun," I said, rolling my eyes and walking past the doorway.

I drove to the bar as fast as I could but traffic was shit on a Saturday night so I ended up being a few minutes late. Les was always at the same table so I walked in the bar and walked directly to that table, holding up my hands in surrender.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry," I said, taking a seat across from her and crossing my legs, tugging on the ends of my skirt.

"Where have you been? You didn't call me back and your text was so short," she frowned, pushing a drink towards me.

She always ordered my favorite drink for me since she always beat me. I was bad at being on time to things.

"Fiona's in the hospital," I said, picking up the tequila sunrise and taking a sip.

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