Chapter 6: A Weird Coincidence

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Waking up was more disappointing than usual. My dreams were far better than reality. Except the dreams were also depressing. I was so desperate to have someone interested in me I was creating someone while I was unconscious. That had to be a new level of loneliness.

I got out of bed and pulled on pants and a robe before going down the stairs to make myself some tea. Walking in the kitchen, I wondered if I was in a dream again. Or rather, a nightmare.

Evan was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee and a stack of pancakes. I blinked a couple times and rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.

"I made breakfast," he said, giving me a timid smile.

"So I see," I said, frowning in confusion.

"Have some before they get cold," he said, gesturing to the plate.

"I'm not allowed to have pancakes, they have too many carbs and I have to watch this figure," I said mockingly, throwing his own words in his face.

"No, you don't," he said, frowning. "I'm sorry I said that to you. It's not true. You've never had a weight problem. You're perfect as you are," he said quietly. "Just have some, Kora. You always loved pancakes."

Now this right here was definitely a trap. I narrowed my eyes and wrapped my arms around myself before walking past the table. "I'm not hungry."

"Oh, well, you could have some coffee with me," he tried.

"I don't like coffee."

How was it possible we'd been together nine years and he didn't know I didn't like coffee? Right, he doesn't give a shit about me.

I filled my usual mug with hot water from our water dispenser before dropping a bag of my morning tea in the cup and heading towards the door.

"Can you have lunch with me?" He asked.


"Kora, please. I'm trying here," he pleaded.

I paused in the doorway and turned to look back at him. "How frustrating it must be to try so very hard and have it not mean a goddamn thing. You have my sympathy," I said icily before walking away.

I hid out in the bedroom and he only came in to get his clothes for the day. He tried to talk to me but I did my best to give short enough answers so he eventually got frustrated and left.

Visiting Fiona yesterday left me with a little more work to do today but it was manageable. I sat on the bed and worked through the various transcripts due this week. It wasn't until mid-afternoon I actually managed to make myself get dressed. Cynthia said it was important for me to get dressed. Staying in pajamas all day would just encourage me to mope, she said.

I didn't like that theory. Pajamas were comfortable. I did need to work out, though. So I finished my transcripts and changed to my sports bra and leggings before going into the garage. Running several miles on the treadmill for what felt like forever really did nothing to help but I suppose it was better I tried. The best part of my day was still watering my plants, including my biggest Aloe who I named Paul.

I was sitting in the shower, another habit Cynthia thought I should break, when my phone started ringing. The fact it was Barbie Girl told me exactly who it was. I hopped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my hair and body before picking up the phone.

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