Chapter 25:- A Warning Issued

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Hoping that 2021 will be better than last year, and more normal. 

Oh. Oh. Your girl won the Magical Awards held by the Magical_Community. A huge shoutout to them for arranging such awards for us writers. <3

Okay back to the chapter.


"You remind me of your mother"

Connor and Ryan sat outside the hospital room where Dr. Stevens was checking Selena, there were a few nurses inside. Ryan was very much aware of Connor clenching and unclenching his fists.

Ileana rushed into the hospital making the two men turn to look at her.

Ryan stood up but Connor remained seated and maintained his stoic face.

"What are you doing here? I thought you wanted to rest," Ryan said putting his hand on Ileana's forehead to take her temperature.

She swatted his hands away, "Ryan, I skipped breakfast because I threw up. She's throwing up blood. That trumps me resting."

Ryan smiled sadly, "True. Mason is still inside, you can wait with us."

Ileana stole a glance at Connor but didn't say a word. Connor was a very calm person but for some reason, Ileana was a little quiet around Connor, maybe Connor's lash out was to receive a little bit of blame for that. She put an extra effort to mind her words around him.

She sat beside Ryan who still held his mate's hand and didn't say a word out loud.

'I still don't understand why,' Ryan linked Ileana.

'Why what?' she asked, trying to keep her expression masked.

'You are a little bit afraid of Connor.'

'No, I am not!' Ileana answered a bit too fast.

'Wanna try that again?'

Ileana sighed, 'He just seems so...'

She struggled to find the correct word but struggled and Ryan answered for her, 'Powerful?'

With a nod, she answered, 'I know, he has a very dominant aura.'

The door of the room opened and Mason came out while taking his mask off.

All three of them stood up to hear what he had to say.

Mason at first took a deep breath and looked at Connor first, and then at his beta. Connor, having the alpha blood, demanded attention. Mason felt the urge to look at Connor while speaking, but he turned to his beta at the last minute.

"She was poisoned."

The only sound that was heard was the gasp of Ileana. The anger and dominance radiating off the two extremely dominant werewolves had Mason taking a few steps backwards.

"Is she okay now?" Connor spoke first, his voice tensed, barely controlled.

"She is," Mason nodded, there was only a bare minimum of softening in their postures but Mason continued, "She was poisoned with a combination Aconite and Oleander."


"Wolfsbane." Mason finished his beta's doubt.

Connor's eyes stilled on the doctor even more. Mason felt the stillness in Connor's eyes. He shifted uncomfortably but avoided looking at the furious wolf.

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