Chapter 27:- A Sneak Into The Past

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"This pack needs a youngleader"

The stars shined in the sky as the crescent moon looked over the wolves from high in the sky. After the training and the paperwork of the whole day, the leaders of the Ferocious Shadows pack found themselves in Selena's room.

Laughter and smiles ran all along the room as the conversations remained light and fun. Selena turned to look at Adriana.

"In which year were you two born?"

Damien smiled, followed by Adriana, who looked amused for once, "Are you sure you want to know?"

Selena nodded enthusiastically, Connor too looked interested now, "My parents were young wolves. My dad was actually only fifty years and my mom forty-seven, I know werewolves ages slow down at a certain age, but for some reason, they never stopped aging."

Damien stole a glance at Connor and saw his jaws clenching. His understanding eyes shifted to Adriana whose eyes were still on Selena in shock.

"Well, that's true, your parents were one of the younger lot, however, it wouldn't seem so from their maturity. I was born in the year 1925, and Damien here was also born in the same year, but in a different pack."

Selena had turned towards Connor but he started a completely different topic altogether.

"Has anyone seen Stacy since the morning?" He asked looking around at everyone, "We shouldn't let her out of sight."

"I did see her in the training grounds while I was returning," Ileana spoke up.

"I just linked the warriors supposed to keep an eye on her. She is in her room, they have eyes on her door and the windows too."

Connor nodded satisfied.

"I still don't get how Stacy got so close to Xavier," Connor wondered out loud, "he really trusted her a lot.

"Stacy was brought up by her grandparents."

The room stilled as everyone focused on the story Damien was saying. He held the hands of Adriana, who also looked a bit uncomfortable, but no one noticed that, no one except Connor.

"Life without parents was not very easy for her. The fact that Stacy's mother was not a very nice wolf only worked against her. She was bullied by wolves her age. The parents didn't stop their kids because of their hatred for her mother. Her grandparents were her safe haven, but after they died, she came to live in the packhouse. Xavier saw the way she was treated somewhere while they were in high school. It is since then they started being really good friends."

"Stacy wasn't in it for the friendship," Adriana interrupted her mate, her eyes angry, "She was only taking advantage of the friendship with Xavier to stop the people bullying her. She thinks that being with Xavier will bring her the power and thus people won't mistreat her anymore."

"She hasn't left Xavier's side since then." Damien finished.

"Until I came in. So she thought I took away her savior and she started hating me," Selena sighed, making the couple look at her with a sad smile. She shook her head, "Why can't my life be easy? A jealous ex? How cliché can it get?"

Connor chuckled, followed by Ryan.

"Xavier the savior." The beta smirked getting a very visible cringe from Selena followed by a heated glare in return. He stopped laughing but the amused expression could still be seen on her face.

'Idiot,' Izzy chuckled.

"Win your knight in shining armor back, oh princess," Ryan said again smirking and Selena rolled her eyes.

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