Chapter 41:- A Year Older

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"You look like you saw a ghost,"

A bright light pierced through Selena's closed eyelids as she tried to shut them tighter. But the light didn't last too long. Her surroundings suddenly went a little dimmer which increased her curiosity. She slowly opened her eyes and took a look at the surroundings.

As her eyes took in where she was, she realized she wasn't in her own room. Her hands touched fresh grass instead of the familiar soft bed. She sat up and instantly was on alert, trying to figure out where she was. It looked familiar but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Slowly, she stood up and looked around again.

Faint voices of laughter reached her ears as she turned towards the direction from which it came. The voices held so much peace and happiness that she was caught off-guard for a second; and then as the familiarity set in, Selena could almost feel her heart stop beating.

Selena slowly started walking in the direction of the voice, it was coming from far deeper inside the forest. Walking deeper into it wasn't really a smart decision but something from within her whispered that she won't regret it. Her heart was beating so loud she almost couldn't hear herself think. After walking for a few minutes, a huge mansion came into her view.

She stared at the mansion with her eyes and mouth wide open. It was the Lunar Eclipse packhouse. In the far left corner of the mansion, where there were a few tables, sat Robert and Marcella Wilson, along with Leah and Sam. Tears filled her eyes as she looked at them.

She blinked, trying to make the tears go away, but a feeble whisper coming from the back of her mind asked her to embrace it. She closed her eyes. Letting out a broken, shallow breath she finally looked at her family, and this time they were looking back at her.

They stood up with huge, bright smiles on their faces as she rushed towards them. The first thing she did was giving her dad a hug. He laughed and wrapped his arms around her back, whispering about how she always was a daddy's girl, and her mom laughed and hugged them both.

"Hey, sweetheart," Robert chuckled but Selena heard the slight tone of sadness.

She let him go and for the first time in a long while, looked at them from head to toe. Tears were streaming down her face. She didn't even have a picture of them left after the attack. The hunters had made sure to burn down everything.

Robert was the first one to sense her sadness and gave her a side-hug, saying, "Let's take a walk, c'mon."

Marcella smiled at the both of them and she grinned back at her as they started walking towards the forest from where she came, but they didn't go far

"I'm so, so sorry, sweetheart, I couldn't protect you," he said, the guilt seeping through his words.

"No, dad, don't say that. You did as much as you could. I am sorry I couldn't stand up to your expectations. I couldn't support my own pack. I couldn't lead them when they needed me to."

"Nobody could have foreseen the attack, Selena. Lila... nobody even thought it could be her."

"Of course, who would imagine the beta's mate to be a traitor? She took complete advantage of that," she growled.

"Lila wasn't the beta's mate. Aiden, however, is a nice kid," Robert said with a smile, "All of Damien's kids are, in fact."

"Yeah," she whispered.

"So is Xavier, even though I would have whooped his ass for not using his brain a bit before."

"I would have loved to see that," she chuckled, "but I think Connor did that pretty well."

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