Chapter 53:- Infiltrate

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"Tchk... Surprise, pretty face!"

While escaping from the southern side of the pack, Selena was on high alert. She knew the attack came from the north and east side but she knew she could never be too sure. Just as they hay left she had linked all the wolves going with her that someone could try to come in from the backside of the pack as well.

And much to her dismay, she was right.

When they had almost reached the border of the pack, she noticed two men sneaking in just a few meters away from them. She couldn't help but roll her eyes when she noticed how loud the two humans were, scrunching leaves and breaking branches under their feet. She pointed towards them and spoke to Jayce.

"Now would you look at that? They never change their deceiving ways."

Jayce pointed his chin towards them, "Do we take them out?"

The squad had stopped and Selena observed them.

"What if there are more of them? If they see us and send news back our mission will fail before we even start," one of the warriors voiced.

"Then we should take them out," Evelyn added while popping her knuckles, an evil and enthusiastic glint in her eyes.

"We should help them out from here as much as we can," Selena said thoughtfully as she bit the inside of her lips, something she does when she is thinking too hard. She then looked at both Jayce and Evelyn, a silent order in her eyes before she spoke, "We cannot afford them let Leon or Max know..."

"Don't worry," Evelyn smirked, "They won't... right Jayce?"

"Let's do it," Jayce said as he shook his hands.

"Do it then," Selena nodded.

With Selena's approval, the squad remained hidden, keeping a lookout for any other hunters lurking around, Evelyn and Jayce sneaked towards the two men oblivious of their surroundings.

Selena observed the movements of the hunters. It didn't take her more than five seconds to realise that these men were not there while she was held captive.

They are new and inexperienced.

Selena found it weird... why would they send such inexperienced men? But she wasn't too surprised either. Max and Leon were capable of anything, even pushing one of their own to its death.

Evelyn and Jayce took on the two men at the exact same time. Both of them jumped on their backs before breaking their necks.

"Do we have to kill them all?" one of the warriors asked her.

Selena sighed, "I wish we didn't. But these hunters," she shook her head, "You let them go once, they will come back again. They won't stop until they kill us or we end them."

Both of them walked back, Evelyn with a jump in her step and Jayce with a stoic face. Seeing Evelyn, Selena was almost sure that she was getting a thrill from the fight.

"Two other men are also walking towards the pack from another route," Jayce said, "I heard them whispering."

"Contact the pack and let them know."

"Tried already," Evelyn said, "They are completely focused on the battle. There is no response."

Selena frowned but nodded, "Keep trying then. C'mon, we gotta go fast."

The walk through the forest was nerve-wracking, to say the least. Jayce and Selena were working with the same mindset, the ones they were trained to have while in the Lunar Eclipse Pack. Only shared glances were enough to convey messages, just as the bond that alphas and their betas share.

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