Chapter 13

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Dorothy's POV

"Yes I understand." I say into the phone. "I'll talk to him and makes sure it doesn't happen again."

"I hope it doesn't." Liam teachers sighs.

"Thank you." I say ready to hang up.

"My pleasure." She replied. "Have a good day."

I toss my phone on the table in frustration. Another long talk with Liam's teacher. I'm pretty impressed. This is the first call this month and the month is almost over. We are making progress people.

Ethan barges into the room. Then Wendy trails behind. 

"I'm sorry." She says out of breath. "I tried to stop him but his to damn sexy."

Ethan gives me a smug smile making me roll my eyes. "It's okay Wendy."

She nods and leaves the room. I turn to Ethan and cross my hand. Who does he think he is? He can't just barge into my office.

"What if there was a patient?" I asked.

"There wasn't." He replied.

"But what if there was one?"

"But there wasn't." He shrugged.

"You are a disgrace." I spat out at him unable to contain my anger. " He was doing great. I thought I wasn't going to get a call this month, I was so ready to celebrate, everything was going smoothly but then you came along and ruin it. You ruin everything!"

"Whoa!" He said pulling me closer. "Calm down woman."

I push him off me. "Don't tell me to calm down."

"Then explain." He said amused at what is going one.

"Liam went round school telling people he is sexy and called a few people buttheads." I sighed.

"Wow." He smiled. "He did that?"

"Yes." I lean at the edge of the table. "Are happy about this?"

"Yes." He smirked. "Um... I mean no?"

"You are unbelievable." I groan.

"And you are incredibly sexy."  He walks closer to me and parted my legs.

"What are you doing?" I asked. I felt my face heat up.

"Let me take you out for dinner." He said coming in between my legs. "I want to make it up to you."

"And you think one dinner would fix everything?" I asked staring at him blankly.

"But it's a start isn't it?" He held my waist firmly.

I look at his lips and all I want to do is to kiss them. The way he looks at me makes me feel so wanted. Nobody can ever make me feel that way. My eyes trails down to he shit collar. I see some red stain. Is that...

"Is that blood?" I asked pulling him closer to see it.

"Fuck." I hear him mutter under his breath pulling away from me.

"Ethan, why is there blood on your collar?" I asked trying to stay calm. I look down and notice he knuckles are also busted to.

Oh My God! Did he get into a fight with someone. Oh no. Did he get in a fight with Charlie again. 

"No baby doll, it isn't." He says calmly.

"Don't lie to me, your hands are busted." I point out angrily standing up straight.

"Because I punched a wall." He said getting frustrated. I know how much he hates it when people try to get him to talk when he doesn't want to.

"Did you punch and iron wall because your hands are looking pretty messed up?" I asked again.

A wall. Who does he take me for? I know he didn't punch a goddam wall.

"Look, Dorothy this isn't your problem." He says trying to stay calm. He has never called me Dorothy. He only refers to me as Dorothy but never calls me Dorothy. He is hiding something from me and whatever it is, I might not like it.

"Whatever this problem is, you have to fix it." I say in cold tone. "We have a son and if our son is picking bad habits from you then it becomes my business."

He nods and leaves slamming the door behind him. I hope he fixes this problem soon. I need to know if Liam can be safe around Ethan. I just have a feeling some thing bad is going to happen.

Ethan's POV

I slam the door behind me and walk out of the building.  I know I should have killed that fucking Russians spy after I met up with her but I couldn't take any chances. I didn't want any body in the mafia world to know about Dorothy. The only people that know about her is the major members of my mafia. 

Your probably wondering why I an Italian mafia don roaming the streets so freely. Simple. I have power and respect. I just didn't get it. I earned it. Having people shivering at the mention of my name makes me smile.

When they hear the name Ethan King they know they are dealing with a tycoon and when they hear the name Vincenzo King they know that their days are numbered. I cannot mix the two worlds together. What is meant for the mafia is only meant for the mafia and what is meant for the business world stays there.

Not everyone knows that Ethan King and Vincenzo King are the same person.

The car stops at my penthouse. It's where I and some of the major members stay. The rest either stay at the warehouse or go back to their various homes knowing well if they break the omerta they will be living on borrowed time. 

"Who got your panties twisted?" Luca asked when I entered.

"She saw blood on my shirt and started going cop crazy on me." I sighed taking out a glass.

"Well you should have showered first like I told you." He shrugged.

"Where are the others." I asked noticing the house is quiet. Too quiet for my liking.

"Warehouse." Luca said munching his cereal loudly and it was starting to get on my nerves. 

"Would you close your mouth when chewing." I barked slamming my glass down

"Sorry." He smiled sheepishly. "This American cereal is good. How do we not have this in Italy?"

"Maybe because it's an American cereal you fucking idiot." I snapped.

"Makes sense." He hummed still munching it loudly. If he was any other person I would have killed him this instant.

"Do you have any update on this new gang?" I asked taking a sip from my glass.

"Yes." He dropped the bowl in the sink. "The Russians are the ones suppling them. Majority of the members are from the Russian mafia."

What games are these people playing now. These Russian where one of my major problem when I step in as the mafia leader. We defeated them and the stayed low for awhile and popped up a few years later. We defeated them again and since then I haven't any business with them until now.

"Do you have their location?" I asked.

"I know where they meet up every night and where the Russians supply them." He brought out another box of cereal.

"Gather up some men." I say pulling off my tie. "We are ending this gang tonight."

"I thought you were busy tonight."  He asked munching loudly again.

"Plans changed."

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