Chapter 19

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Ethan's POV

"I want updates on those Russians!" I snap at the dickheads in  front of me.

"You destroyed the gangs they were controlling." Luca tried to reason with me. "We can't predict their next moves."

"And they haven't done anything to provoke us so far." Ty added picking up a cigarette. "I think they've finally given up."

I think they are planning something big. Something we wouldn't see coming. I know those fucking Russians they wont stop till they get what they want. It's annoying as fuck.

"So lets forget about the whole Russians fiasco," Lyon says changing the topic. "You looked like you won a fucking lottery this afternoon."

"Yeah, boss." Cory smirked mischievously. "We just didn't want to ruin your mood so are you going to tell us what happened?"

Today in my office was probably one of the best things that has happened since I've been back.  I really needed her to understand the things I'm risking just for her and Liam safety. I always have to know they're safe before I can rest my head everyday.

"What is this some high school slumber party?" I asked the idiots in front of me.

"Are you going to tell us or not?" Cory asked again. "I'm dying to know. Did you fuck Dora?"

"And how does it concern you in anyway?" I asked feeling  my blood boil in anger. How dare he asked a question like that.

"It doesn't." He muttered knowing his getting me angry. "Sorry boss."

"Yes." I mumbled answering his question. Fuck Dorothy is making me go soft.

"You heard that?" He grins in excitement. "Pay up losers." The other men pulled out some money out of their pockets.

"The security alarm went off I clicked to see Dorothy standing outside the building. She came earlier than I expected. I just hope the guys are ready to meet her.

"If you fuck this up I'll kill you," I say standing up. "Got it?"

"Yes boss." They all say in unison.

I leave the room adjusting my tie making my way to where she would be. I just hope the men don't fuck this up for me.

"You made it." I smile at her when she comes out of the elevator.

"Yeah," She smiles back up to me. "Charlie's babysitting Liam."

"You could have dropped him with Mia." I groan looking away. why does he have to babysit Liam. He should start a fucking family and stay the fuck away from mine.

"We stayed with her all day." She smiled walking closer to me. "I just didn't want to bother her you know, because she's pregnant."

"She has David." I pull her closer and wrap my hand around her waist. "and Jojo."

"And that will just stress her more." She pulls my tie down making me smash my lips on hers. I can do this all the time. I love the way she tastes. I would never get tired of her. 

I add more pressure to the kiss turning it passionate. I grope her butt and she lets out a gasp. I use this as and stick my tongue into her mouth. I take complete control over the kiss, she tries to dominate the kiss but I just squeeze her ass a little more. 

I need to feel her hand on me. I need her soft hand on my chest. "Touch me." I whisper to her placing her hand on my touch. "I need to feel you."

"Please." She whispers to me. I smirk knowing we want the same thing.

"Do you want to fuck you again?" I asked her sneaking my hand inside her jeans groping her ass feeling her lace panties. 

She moans into the kiss. "E-e-than." I

"Okay lets keep this PG." I hear Luca's annoying voice.

"Fuck." I curse pulling my hands out. "What the fuck do you want?" I asked while Dorothy hides her face on my neck. 

"I wondering what was taking so long." He smirked. 

"Why are you still alive?" I mutter under my breath.

"Because you need me and you love my ass." He walked to grab a bowl.

"Are you okay?" I whisper to her.

"This is so embarrassing." She groans pulling her pink face away from me.

"It's part of life." Luca explains smiling like the goof he is.

"What was so important that you needed to show me?" She asked dismissing the situation.

"Follow me." I turn leading her to my office. For some odd reason why I'm feeling nervous.

"How important is this?" She asked when she entered the room.

"I don't want to lie to you anymore." I lock the door behind me. "I want to answer your question. I want you to know I trust you."

"Ethan where is this going?" She asked suspiciously. "Your scaring me."

"Just sit down please." I tell her. If I'm going to break the news I need her to calm down. she grans and sits turning the chair o face me.

"The Kings have a legacy that  the public don't know about." I start explaining to her. "The something more than just owning a business firm."

"What are you trying to say Ethan?" She asked looking a bit scared.

"We run a mafia."

Her face turns from pink to white. "Mafia?"

"Yes." I say not able looking at her.

"You run a mafia?"

"Yes baby doll I'm a mafia don." I explain looking back at her. She looks at the floor as she tries to process everything I've said.

"So you kill people and sell drugs and take drugs." She starts rushing out.

"It's not what you think?" I move closer to her but she flinches. My heart dropped when she moved away in fear.

"Have you ever killed someone?" She asked with tears in the bream of her eyes.

"Yes." I whisper looking down in shame. For some reason I feel so guilty for what I've done. I never felt this way before.

"Your a murderer." She whispers as tears fall from her eyes. "You kill people for a living."

"Baby doll." I try to go closer to her but she just stands up to move further away from me. "I would never hurt you."

"But you hurt other people." She shouts moving further away as I try to move closer to her. "Your a bad person."

"I hurt people who deserve it." I explain to her trying to calm her down.

"Does Mia know?" She asked moving a bit closer. "Does she know you are a mafia don?"

I don't want to bring Mia into this but I don't want to lie to her anymore. "Yes she know. My parents do too."

"Unbelievable." She whispers as more tears fall from her eyes. "I c-can't stay here anymore." She rushes to the door but can't lock since I locked it.

"Please don't leave me." I whisper looking out of the window.

"Leave you!" She screams at me. "You lead a freaking mafia. I don't even know if Ethan is even your real name or a some fake name you told me."

"Vincenzo King." I tell her. I can't look at her.

"Well Vincenzo King, It over between us." She says and leaves the room. 

I've lost her.


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