Chapter 4

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 I  take a step into my apartment tossing the heels off my feet. Today was a long day and I'm tired. I hear sounds from the living room and that is enough proof to know the boys are still up. I hope their day was better than mine.

"Finally you're back,"  Mia said looking up her from her phone to take a glance at me. I would have liked a nice, warm smile. "What was keeping you in the office this time?"

"It was a really busy day, there was an emergency." I look around trying to find any sign of Grace. "Where's Grace?"

"Did you think she was going to spend the whole day with her grandchildren? "She asked dropping her phone giving me her full attention.


"Well no." She corrected walking to the kitchen and I follow behind her. "She had work to do and had to leave. Not everyone is jobless like me you know?"

"Mia," I start massaging my temples. "Being on maternity leave doesn't mean you are jobless."

"Jobless in the sense that I have nothing interesting to do." She explained opening up the fridge. "Oh yeah, I got you some groceries."

"Thank you." I smile noticing the groceries bags that she didn't bother to unpack. "I'll make sure to repay you."

"You don't have to." She shrugged taking a yogurt out of the fridge. "I used up all the money in the swear jar." She smiled pointing at the swear jar.

"Nicely played." I clap staring at the now empty jar sitting on one of the kitchen stools "That was smart I'll give you that, but you know the majority of the money in there was yours."

"Ah, shit that's true." She whispered to herself and I raise a brow. "I don't get why I have to obey this stupid rule." She groaned shoving a five-dollar bill inside the jar.

"Are you okay?" She asked noticing my mood. "You aren't giddy as usual, not that you are giddy daily. You just look sad, like I just heard my dog died kind of sad."

I'm not sad why should I be sad. I've finally got what I wanted after wishing for this all these years. He's finally back from where ever he ran off to. I'm happy where am at right now, I have Liam, Mia, Shelly and Midge, and so much more. I've got a whole lot of people who make me happy every day. I just never thought that seeing him again would get me this affected.

Ever since Ethan stepped into my office,  my mind was replaying that event all over again. It hurts so much then and now it hurt more than ever. Just thinking about all this is enough to cause heartache.

"I'm fine." I clear my throat sitting up to get the fruit bar not so far from me. " Less talking about me. How was your day?"

"The same as always." She sighs leaning on the island. "Craving weird combinations of foods, feeling lazy and watching some Netflix, reading about dinosaurs and found out that you are a living proof of their existent." I throw my half-eaten fruit bar at her but unfortunately, she catches it and takes a bite from it.

I don't know but she becomes quiet all of a sudden. "What's the problem, Mia"

"There's something I have to tell you?" She mumbles walking over taking a seat beside me.

"What is the problem?" I asked not likening where this is going. "Did anything happen to Liam? Did he get in a fight?"

"No, no he was a good kid today." She holds my hand trying to calm me down. That boy has a bad temper and it's not me he got it from. "Mom was going to tell you but with her leaving she decided that I should be the one to tell you that..."

"Is everything okay?" 

"Yes, everything is okay." She nods letting go of my hand just to pick up a banana. "Ethan called a few days ago and he said he'll be coming back from wherever he vanished to. We didn't believe him at first but last night he came over for dinner.  He's back."

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