Chapter 26

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Ethan's POV

"Are you sure she's going to be here?" Francesco asked leaning closer to me.

"I know she's going to be here." I sigh stepping away from him.

I have bugged Dorothy apartment a few weeks before she decided to run to California. I was happy that she decided to confront me before going out with him.  Apart from that I needed to know if she and Liam where safe. I can't risk their safety because some how people knew I had a heir.

I still managed to fuck up and now we are here. I rarely go to wedding and judging by my experience I'll can tell this wedding is shit.

"At a wedding?" He asked adjusting his neck tie. "Why would they want to try to crash wedding fratello?"

"I don't know why they chose a wedding." I say picking up a flute from waitress. "I'm not in their fucking heads."

"But it was your idea to come here wasn't it?"  He copied my action and took a sip of champagne. "You said you had a hunch that they would be-"

"There she is." I cut him noticing Dorothy enter the venue. She look as beautiful as she graced into the hall. Her hair was pulled up into a hairdo allowing the silver earing showcase themselves.  Her silver dress was probably the sexiest thing I've seen on her since we connected.

I saw my little man stroll in behind her wearing a tux. I smile watching him holding a sketch pad. He's going to make a good artist one day and I know it. That's why I need to make sure he doesn't my footsteps. I can't let him into this world I'm in.

Ever since Mia asked me if he's going to be heir, I've been thinking. I want him to take the title but at the same time I want it to be choice for him. I don't want him to be forced into it like I was. I never saw myself as a don. I'd always wanted to be artist like Liam. 

I want to express the hate I have in this world through colors. Eradicating humans has always been in my mind since I was a teenager. I can't stand the constant hate we have for each other. I never understood why I thought like that back then but when dad introduced me to the Bronze Serpent I found a new way to transfer those feelings. 

It's like a disease that spreads around like a wild fire and the sad truth is that there's no cure. Nobody has a valid reason to hate anyone. We either force ourselves to believe some crap. I never understood why  exactly that emotion exist. I've never had a reason to hate anyone. Even Francesco. When he betrayed me I never hated him. I just wanted him to feel the pain I feel. I wanted him to suffer like I did. He deserves to know how it affected me.

I saw Charlie walk up to them and give Dorothy a hug. He had the audacity to hug her knowing she's taken. He even bent down to give Liam a high five. To say my blood was boiling is an understatement. I want to bash his brains out of his head, chop of his hands and maybe his legs too.

"It's okay." Francesco said putting his hands on my shoulder. A few years ago I would have thank him for calming me down but now all I want is to castrate him too. "We are going to fix this."

"Get your hand of me." I swat his hands of me dropping the glass on a tray as another waitress pass. "I know we would fix this."

"Boss." I hear Luca call from the device in my ear. "They are approaching the building."

"Shit." I whisper looking for Dorothy and Liam. I thought they would take their time. 

"Find where Dorothy and Liam are." I commanded Francesco before merging into the crowd to find them.

I see Charlie talking to some blonde lady who I suppose is the bride. I pull him from her and drag him to the secluded area.

"What the fuck man!" He pushes me off him. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Where the fuck is Dorothy?" I ask him calmly.

"She said she wanted to get a drink." He said giving a slight shrug. "I just told her where to go."

"Why did you invite her here?" I asked looking at him straight into the eyes.

"It's my friends wedding and I needed a plus one." He rubs his temple. "She agreed to come with Liam."

"Do you take me for a fool?" I asked grabbing his neck and pushing him to the wall. "Why. The .Fuck. Did. You. Lure. Her. Here?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." He wheezes and I squeeze harder. "I swear I-"

"Ethan!" I let go of him and turn around. "Have you lost your mind?!"

"Where's Liam?" I asked noticing he's no longer with her.

"He's sitting down next to Karen." She answered running to help Charlie up. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, it was just a misunderstanding."  He looked at me in the eye. 

"Get Liam and get out of here." I picked Dorothy up from him.

"Are you crazy?" She yanks her hand away from me. "You attack my friend and expect me to listen to you!"

"Don't start now." I warn her looking her dead in the eye. She turns read with anger and slaps me on the cheek.

"I'm not some fucking subject you can boss around." She snaps at me. "I'll leave when I want."

Damn she's hot when she swears. 

"I'm fine." Charlie tells her adjusting his necktie.  "You should go with him."

"I'm not going anywhere with-"



"Liam." Dorothy whispers and runs to the hall. 

I follow behind her getting my gun out of pocket. The hall is filled with panicked people which makes it hard to find my boy. I look and see a dead body on the ground. It wasn't Francesco so I moved it aside. 

"Where's Liam?" I asked Luca scanning the room for him. I notice Dorothy isn't in the hall anymore.

"None of the Russians came out from the building." He answers. "I think they might be a back door"

"You fucking think?" I start to get worried. Francesco sees me and walks up to me.

He better have a fucking good explanation.

"There's a man running out of the building." Luca informs me. "He's running into  some black van that packed a bit further from other cars. I think you might know him."

"Why do you say that?" I asked pushing past more people to meet Francesco.

"He normally hangs around with Dora." He sighs.


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