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Trigger warning! Some scenes in this chapter can be disturbing for a few readers, if you are not comfortable reading, stop at * and you can resume by **

Gentle arms came from behind me and clutched the railings in front of me, trapping me in their embrace. "Good morning beautiful." Jackson whispered huskily, pulling my hair from my face.

"Morning." I smiled back. By the time we finished breakfast, the yacht was docked. A quick shower later, I found myself in a pale blue knee-length flowing dress with spaghetti straps and matching blue heels, Jackson's work, obviously. 

With the promise of us meeting again, I sat back into the limo and headed home. The weekend was over, and it was time to go back to work.

"Mia, I need my updated case files." I ordered through the intercom.

"Coming right up." 

As I went through the case files, my phone buzzed with a text, "Break up with Jackson Avery and never talk to Jordan Jones again."

Who the fuck was texting me? And why did should I break up with Jackson? Heck we've gone on one date! It was the same number. I had to find out who this person was. I couldn't delay it any longer.

I asked for Jordan to be sent up. I couldn't let it out to the others than something wrong was going on. "You asked to see me, Ms. Hunt." Jordan grinned cheekily.

"Yes. Sit." I motioned towards the chairs in front of me. "Jordan this is important. And it cannot get back to anyone else. It's just between you and me." I told him.

"Do you want a repeat of what happened the last time I was here? Because that can't happen how. I'm committed. But I do know some very skillful people back at Banana Bar." Jordan asked referring to a sleazy strip bar around the area.

Heat pooled south of me as memories of Jordan kissing me on this very desk assaulted me mind. I tried hard to stop the crimson from flooding my cheeks.

"Oh, shut up. It's serious." The seriousness in my eyes did the trick. Jordan sensed something was actually up and it wasn't his skillful dick.

"What happened? Did Jackson say or do anything, I swear I'll break that mofo's face." Jordan said. His voice full of anger, confusion and worry.

"What? No. It's not him."

"Then what Lexi? Are you okay?"

"I've been getting weird texts from this number." I passed him my phone. "And they are pretty creepy."

"Break up with Jackson Avery and never talk to Jordan Jones again. How do you know Jackson Avery? Good morning beautiful." Jordan scrolled through my texts. "Who the fuck is this?" he asked.

"That's what I wanna know. Can you track this guy?"

"Guy? Could be a girl you know. You're pretty hot, so I'm sure even the gay girls wanna bang you." Jordan joked.

"Jordan." I rolled my eyes. "Can you do it or not?"

"Bang you? No! I told you I was committed." he chuckled.

"Oh no. I've found myself a better fuck." I joked.

"Must be a girl then. Because I'm by far the best guy you could ever fuck."

"Eh, I guess you over-estimate yourself, but I'll let you live in denial. Enjoy your bliss." I smirked.

"What will you need to track him? I don't want this to go to IT or to anyone else other than you." I changed the subject quickly, before we got too distracted. 

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