Chapter 2- Getting hit in the head with a police car is not ideal

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"You have your orders. Cover me, Russell, and we should do just fine. Understood?"

"Yes, sir."

"Avoid capture at all costs, do you hear me?"

"Yes, sir."

"Repeat what I just said, Ms. Russell."

"I will avoid capture at all costs. My mission is to cover you while you cause a distraction."

"Excellent. Let's go."


I awoke to a throbbing pain in my head. 

I was lying in the middle of a street, and I could barely move. My coordination was all off, and I felt extremely dizzy. Every limb on my body felt 10x heavier than it was supposed to. 

Groaning, I tried to feel around my head for a bruise. All I found when I drew my hand back was blood. 

I glanced around and found a few people in party clothing staring at me, pointing and screaming, obviously frightened. Behind them was a destroyed police car, which I guess hit me in the head because the bumper had a great deal of blood splattered on it. I glanced down to find that I did not have the same gear on me as I had five seconds ago. It confused me even more to find that I had knives hidden in my boots and sleeves.

Where am I?

I remembered a few things. I remembered hearing a mission. A mission plan. I was here for Loki... he was my... master? No, that didn't sound right, I worked for SHIELD. And more than that, I was a software engineer and a hacker. Why would I be serving Loki?

Who was he, anyway?

I guess I never really got the chance to ask.

While I was on that topic, I forgot who I was, for a split second. 

Then I remembered- I was Bryce Russell, also known as the infamous hacker d!s10y41. People commonly referred to me as "Disloyal". I was fine with that. That was what my name stood for, anyway.

As the infamous hacker d!s10y41, I had done a lot of bad stuff. Like hack multi-million dollar companies and change all of their entry passwords until they gave me 2/3 of their net worth.

I wasn't a monster, alright?

I had to give that life up after hacking Stark Industries. Turns out that Tony Stark had expected my attack and set up a virus that took over my lab of computers, sweeping for every piece of information he could find about me. He couldn't find my address or who I was, but he found my real name- Bryce Lilibeth Russell. He also found out that I lived in Kannapolis, North Carolina. But that was about it. I almost missed the muggy summers and the cold, wet winters, but once I was called up to New York for a job, I really didn't have much of a choice.

The problem with Tony Stark is... well... he goes "all-out". So he sued me, along with SHIELD(who I'd hacked 2 years previously), and basically said that I could either go to prison for life(or, as he phrased it, the chophouse for humans) or work as a hacker and software engineer for SHIELD.

I chose the one that wasn't a prison.

I actually enjoyed my work at SHIELD. I got to work with Dr. Selvig on the Tesseract project. Of course, they had to keep an eye on me at first, but Director Nick Fury seemed to trust me after a while.

Anyway, back to the present.

I sat up, clutching my head, and took in my surroundings. People were passing by and talking in a foreign language. I wasn't sure how I'd gotten there until I saw Captain America fighting with Loki. 

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