Chapter 8- I evade getting Hulk Smashed

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The entire room basically exploded.

Bruce, Natasha, and I crashed through the glass window, landing on a lower level of the helicarrier. 

The world spun for a second as my eyes adjusted to the dark. I was fine, but Natasha's leg was stuck underneath a toppled over pole. I groaned and got to my hands and knees, crawling over to her and ineffectively trying to pry her leg out from underneath it.

My headset was going crazy. Fury was giving directions this way and that, and my head was still throbbing from when the scepter had spoken to me.

"Romanoff?" Fury asked. 

"We're okay," she replied exasperatedly, trying to pull her leg out from underneath the pole. 

From a few feet next to us, Bruce started breathing heavy, clenching his fists and groaning in pain.

"We're okay...right?" Natasha whispered, examining him.

Realizing what was about to happen, I pushed harder at the pole over Natasha's leg. It still would not move, though it rolled just a little.

"Bruce... you've gotta fight it," Natasha told Banner. "This is just what Loki wants,"

Natasha's voice started to break, probably out of fear. I was starting to panic, too. If Bruce turned into the Hulk, we'd both be dead in a matter of seconds.

"We'll be okay, listen to me," she said. 

Some agents tried to run over to help us, but Natasha waved them away. They took one look at Bruce and sprinted away in the other direction. 

"You need to go too, Bryce," Natasha rasped. "We need you alive-"

"I'm not leaving without either of you. Bruce, just focus on breathing, okay, focus on one part of your brain, one lobe-"

"Go!" Natasha hissed at me. I shook my head, and she gave up. "We're gonna be okay, Bruce. I swear on my life, I will get you out of this, you will walk away from this and never-"

"YOUR LIFE?!" shouted half-Bruce, half-Hulk.

Bruce winced and groaned, tensing up. His face was turning green, and his body was expanding dramatically as his clothes ripped. Bruce wobbled around and fell from the platform we were on onto the next one down.

"Bruce?" Natasha whispered, just as the pole gave. I pushed it off of her just as Hulk grew to full size, smashing into a tank on the bottom floor. I helped Natasha to her feet. She stumbled against me, her foot regaining blood flow.

Bruce/Hulk turned to look at us, teeth bared. 

Natasha took my hand and pulled me up the stairs, and I had no problem sticking beside her as we ran, the Hulk following close behind us. Hulk ripped off the bottom half of the staircase as we reached the top, Natasha hugging me to her as she flipped over the railing and landed on a higher platform. 

She then kept me hugged to her as she dodged another pole and started running down a narrow hallway, keeping her fingers intertwined with mine.

Natasha then led me down onto a lower platform, still continuing to run along the walkway past a couple of mechanics and reactors. With the Hulk far behind us, Natasha slowed our pace as we crawled through a mess of wires and machines, finally stopping beside one of them and listening for footsteps. When she heard a few, she pulled me into the shadows, drawing her gun. 

She pulled me back where we'd come. My heart was pounding in my chest, and it wasn't because of the fact that Natasha was still firmly grasping my hand. I could barely hear anything over my own blood roaring in my ears. It was different than how it had felt when the scepter was talking to me, so that was a good sign.

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