Chapter 6- Natasha interrogates the guy I just got done interrogating

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Once I was out of the holding chamber, I raced to my room, tears starting to flow down my face. 

How could I have done that?!

In my mind flashed images, slow-moving memories of each death, each shot, each knife. I forced my eyes open, but every time I blinked, a new face crawled into my vision. A scared, helpless face that was forever frozen in the person's last emotion- fear. 

Fear of me.

I was used to being feared. If you're an infamous criminal, you'll know what it feels like. But I'd never killed anyone while living in the hacking business. Killing was so unnatural, so inhuman, and I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I'd done it to many, many people. 

I had. 

I had killed those people. 

I had helped Loki and Dr. Selvig with the Tesseract project.

 had located the materials he needed.

I had trained under Agent Barton.

I had knelt before Loki with whatever he called "unwavering pride".

I had been one of his favorite agents. 

And now he was telling me that I would be the one to give this world to him. 

I finally reached my room and flung open the door, locking it behind me and collapsing on the floor, burying my tearstained face in my hands and watching as the memories came back- one death, another, three at the same time-

I watched in first person as I threw throwing knives at the security guards from the inside of the roof. I watched as they crumpled to the ground, lifeless.

I watched as bullets rained on some of the scientists, causing many of them to drop along with the guards.

I watched as I turned to Agent Barton, who nudged me. I watched as I jumped down and fired at the rest of them. 

I watched as Clint Barton jumped down after me, scanning around the room for something. When he found what he was looking for, he approached one of the large cabinets in the lab and pulled a small jar from it.

All of that death for a jar of... whatever that is?! I thought angrily. 

Barton signaled for me to follow him, and I did. 

The memory faded to dust just as we stepped outside the door. 

I broke down, sobbing harder. All of those lives... all of those innocent lives... all gone because of me. 

I slowly wobbled to my feet and grabbed a tissue, blowing my nose. Once I was done, I staggered over to my cot and curled up in a ball, crying my eyes out again. Something was hollowed out inside of me. Taking one's life is something you can't shake, but to take many's lives...

I suddenly sat up, rigid. Loki would pay for what he'd done. I would see to it that that man was either dead or sent to the deepest, darkest prison there was in this universe to rot to bones and scrap. 

Suddenly filled with newfound determination, I made my way over to my small desk. It held two keyboards and three monitors. I know it sounds excessive, but it's actually not as many as I'd like. I usually need 4 or 5 monitors to display everything I need to see.

I opened up my coding program and ran the hacking program that I had coded to suit my needs. Then, I broke into each of the security cams in Loki's cell and displayed all of them across two of my monitors. With the remaining monitor, I kept my hacking program up and tried to access any of the microphones. When I finally managed to reach one, I connected it to my speaker.

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