Chapter 37

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The young bat slowly opened his eyes. He looked to the side of him when he noticed the sound of beeping. He was connected to a heart monitor and a IV. He groaned and sat up a bit from the bed and looked around. He was in his his room, all alone. He carefully reached over and turned on the lamp beside his bed. He decided to get up. He flinched a bit, his body was sore as hell but that wouldn't stop him. Damian ripped out the iv and took all of the wires off. He tried to get out of bed but his body immediately gave out and he fell to the floor. He grunted, "dammit.." he mumbled. He used most of his strength to get up. He wobbled a bit but sucked it up and made his way out of his room. He looked around, the dark and empty hall and decided to head to the kitchen, he was hungry. Wouldn't say starving because he could last awhile without food but he was hungry and there was food available so he was going to eat something. He carefully made his way down the stairs and started to head to the kitchen when he notice something. There was a light turned on down the other hallway. He decided to check it out. He slowly made his way over and entered the Bruce's office. He saw his father going through a lot of papers at the moment.


Bruce immediately looked up. He sighed and rubbed his face, "Damian, you shouldn't be up and around. You need to rest."

"I'm fine. What are you doing up though?" Damian slowly walked over and took a seat in a chair.

"Going though a few contracts and paperwork." Bruce answered.

"I see. Where's Todd?" Damian ask

"He went out and hasn't come back yet so I'm not sure." Bruce said.

Damian gave a small nod ok.

"Alright well you should go back to be-"

"How do you feel about Todd and I?" Damian ask.

"....I'm happy you two are getting along. I will admit this new relationship you two have is good for you, both of you. Anyways I'm glad your ok Damian, if you didn't make it I'm sure it's would've been the final straw....for all of us. Now please let's go to-" Bruce said

"I forgive you father." Damian said

Bruce looked back to Damian confused and sighed, "Damian no. I should be apologizing. I'm really sorry for what happened. I was in so much wrong to do that to you. You're my son and I'm supposed to be there to love and protect you but obviously I didn't do that. Instead I hurt you. You're also Robin and ever sense you became Robin you kept trying to prove yourself that you can do so much but I never saw it. I always saw you as a danger to others instead of my son and my partner against crime. I should never have yelled at you like that and get physical. I am not the best father, and I'll never be but I want you to know I'm sorry for everything."

"I already forgive you for that day but just so you know father I was not the one who killed him. I was framed." Damian spoke.

"Who was it then?" Bruce ask curiously.

"It was Todd."

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