Chapter 40

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Is this when he had to make a choice? But...he still didn't know.
That's when someone else came along.
An additional hand was held out to him from behind

Damian looked and stared for a bit before finally reaching out towards him. He grabbed the hand and was pulled away to the light above


Damian shot up out of bed, panting heavily. He covered his mouth feeling the need to throw up. He looked around and grabbed a small trash can sitting aside. He threw up a bit of gross chucks blood before whipping his mouth and setting it aside.

He was told it was normal so he would be fine.

He mumbled curses to himself as he laid down.  He was still pretty sore. He wiped his sweat and teary face with his hands.
"Tt, pathetic." He mumbled to himself.

Damian laid there quietly for awhile before he heard his door open. He looked toward the direction and saw his father.

"Father." He greeted.

"Damian, how are you feeling? Are you doing ok?" Bruce asked making his way over to him.

"Fine, just sore is all. Not a big deal" Damian half lied.

Bruce glanced to the trash can and walked over, kneeling down next to the bed. He grabbed a thermometer, "let me check you're temperature. Dr. Thompkins insist on it just to make sure you're doing ok."

Damian opened his mouth, letting the mouth thermometer rest on his tongue.

Once the beep went off Bruce took it back, "99.3, not too bad but not good either. Maybe we should check your blood pressure too-"

"Father, what are you doing? Shouldn't Pennyworth be the one doing this?" Damian asked.

"He didn't want to interrupt anything while we talked." Bruce answered.

Damian sat up, "get on with it father.."

Bruce sighed, "I'm glad you ok son. Everyone was worried. They didn't want a repeat from what happened last time. You may have not been able to come back from that. Jason wasn't really...thrilled to see me but we were on the same side then. We were both trying to find you, and we're really glad we made it in time. We may not agree on some things and may get into fights or feuds but at the end of the day we're all family. You can stay with whoever you want. Just be wise of Jason please. I'm concerned about his intentions."

Damian nodded ok, "you know father, maybe you and Todd aren't so different after all. Both say I'm a spoiled brat. I know what you both think of me."

Bruce frowned and sighed, "Damian no. You're not a spoiled brat. I'm sorry I called you all those things before and I'm sure Jason didn't mean it either."

"Tt, yeah whatever. I heard the conversation before Grayson made me leave. Good to know he was just planning on using me...." Damian mumbled. He pulled his legs up to his chest, "I'm well aware I should be used to it but it would be nice not to be only for use or unplanned for, just this once."

Bruce sighed and gently placed a hand on Damian's shoulder, "I can't speak for Jason, but I can say.....we both care about you Damian. You were unexpected to me but you eventually grew on me. Honestly, I was a little upset, mainly with the fact she drugged me and took my DNA then didn't tell me about you. I had no idea for 10 years. I couldn't save you from what they made you go through. You never got a childhood. I always tried my best to give your bothers a normal childhood despite them fighting crime as Robin but you didn't even get a chance to-" Bruce drifted off, "I'm glad Jason spent some time with you. I know you had fun so no need to lie."

Damian was silent for a bit before speaking, "father...I want to believe you but with all the things you've done to try and get me back-"

"Talia gave me no choice but to speak out on the news. And I did not send the social worker. I never wanted this situation to be public. Yes, I wasn't exactly on Jason's side and I still am not exactly but no matter what this would've been a family matter."

"So mother- she was here with you?" Damian asked.

Bruce nodded his head

Why was he not surprised...
Damian gave a slight nod ok, "alright father. I now understand. Now may I rest again?" He asked.

"Course Damian. Get all the rest you need." Bruce patted Damian's head before taking his leave.

Damian laid down closing his eyes again. He waited till he heard the door click shut before opening his eyes again.


A certain motorbike pulled up to a boat on the docs. A male with black boots got off the bike and made their way towards the boat where a certain mistress was waiting.

"How nice it is to finally see you again, Jason."


Author's Note

((Oh long has it been? Awhile, huh? I'm so sorry!! I just moved back to the states after 8 years over seas which is almost my whole life. We kinda got some stuff stolen by movers then I'm doing to a completely different school and huh....public schools are interesting...why are the students so derogatory towards the teachers 😳 man...military kids really are disciplined....also when someone likes someone why do they ask for their snap?? Like bro I have a phone for a reason. Don't like snap.....and he does drugs so phew I really dodged a bullet....not that I would've taken it- ANYWAYS chapter 41 is going to be in the works! 👍👍👍))

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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