Chapter 7

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The two stood at the entrance to the carnival. Jason looked around happily. Damian had a pout on his face with his arms crossed. Jason looked to Damian, "Aw come on kid, don't you see anything that looks fun?" He ask

"I've been to a carnival before with the Titans. It ended badly which will probably happen here. Can't believe you didn't allow me to take my sword when you have a gun." Damian mumbled angrily.

"Hey, kids shouldn't have weapons." Jason says.

"I'm not just a kid, I'm an Al Ghul, a trained assassin, an heir." Damian argues.

Jason rolls his eyes, "Yeah, yeah. Come on, let's just go" he says walking away to find something fun.

Damian followed Jason, who led him to a petting zoo with all sorts of animals. Damian stared at the animals in awe. Jason noticed and chuckled at how cute it was. "Wanna go pet the animals?"

Damian looked at him and nodded quickly before hurrying into the area. He started going around petting every animal he say. Jason followed along with a smile, also petting a few animals. There was a few times Damian was just so cute with the animals that Jason had to take pictures with his phone. He was happy to see Damian let loose a bit.

Soon Damian was done and they walked out and started to look around me for good games and rides.

Damian followed Jason. Jason led him to a stand and paid a man. In return he got 3 baseballs. "Alright kid, all you have to do is knock down the cans and you win. give it a try, why don't ya?"

"This is easy Todd." Damian says stepping up and taking a ball. He threw it directly at the cans and knocked them all down. Then went one more time and got the same results.

Damian turns to Todd holding the last ball out to him. "You give it a try."

Jason smiled a bit and took the ball. He threw it and knocked the cans down but also sent them flying. He laughed and pushed Damian forward a bit so he could choose a prize.

Damian chose a little stuffed black kitty.

"So kid, where to now?" Jason ask

Damian looks around and something caught his eye. "I want to ride that." He says pointing to a big roller coaster with a loop.

"They actually have that here? At a carnival?" Jason ask

"Oh come on Todd, let's go." Damian says running toward it.

Jason sighs, he was not a fan of roller coasters but if Damian wanted to go on it, he had to go. The only other option was to say no to the kid but he wasn't going to do that. Jason ran after Damian.

The two stood in line till it was their turn. When they got on Jason felt nervous. Damian on the other hand was so excited.

They shot off and were sent on a fast roller coaster ride. When they got to the loop and were fully upside down, Damian's safety thing that was meant to keep him seated unlocked from its place. There was nothing else holding him down so he slipped from his seat. Jason didn't even notice till the last second when Damian slipped out and was sent falling head first.


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