Chapter 19

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"Child services?!" Jason yelled.

"Yes now may I come in, we need to have a talk." The lady named Jen says

Jason didn't have much of a choice so he let her in. The two of them sat at the table, sitting across from each other.

"So why the fuck are you here?" Jason ask.

"Language please. Anyways I'm getting to that now. There has been complaints from a few people that the child is not safe in your care and that you are unable to care for him. Your also not related to him, am I right?" Jen says.

"Yes I'm not related to him by blood but I was adopted by Bruce Wayne and he is his biological son so there for he's my brother in a way." Jason says remaining surprisingly calm.

"Do you have any proof of that because when I checked your record it did show you stayed with Bruce Wayne but he didn't fill out the adoption papers so there for you aren't adopted, which means you aren't the boy's adopted brother." Jen explains

"Why should that matter. I want to adopt the kid. His father and mother are abusive so I'm not letting him stay with them." Jason says.

"Ok. Would you mind if I take a look around?" She ask

"I do mind actually." He says harshly.

The lady didn't care, she just got up and started looking. She first found a gun hidden under a couch pillow. "A pistol?" she ask

"Self defense." Jason claims.

Jen gave him a look and looked around more. She walked into the kitchen and opened a pantry. There were many bottles of alcohol. She took a picture and left to Jason's room and continued to look around. She opened his closet opened his closet and saw it was filled with weapons. She took a photo and started to look around again.

Jason wasn't going to show it but he was now nervous.

Jen found drugs in Jason's bed side table. She took a photo and looked around more.

After she found some more bad stuff she decided to go see the kid. She walked into Damian's room to find no kid. She left the room and looked around the place for him. "Where is the kid?" She ask Jason.

Jason looked around also. There was no sign of Damian, "um....oh we were paying hide and seek before you came! He's still hiding I bet. Ooh Damian, come out please." He says sweating nervously a bit.

"Damian where are you?" Jen calls out.

"Damian?" Jason ask. 'Fuck. Where did he go? Why did he have to go out without telling me tonight?' He thought to himself. Jason pulls out his phone and calls Damian. 'Come on, pick up, pick up kid.'

Damian picked up the phone, "what do you want Jason?"

"Kid! Where the hell are you?!" Jason whisper yells into the phone.

"I'm out." Damian answered.

"Well get home now! Someone from Child services is here and is looking for you!" He whisper yelled into the phone.

"I'll be there in a minute." Damian said before hanging up.

'You better be here in a second kid.' Jason says in his head.

"Sir are you sure Damian is here?" Jen ask

"Of course he is! He's just very competitive is all. Come on Damian, come out." Jason says

The lady didn't seem convinced. She was suspensions of Jason.

"Fine, Fine. Here I am." Damian says after he jump in through the window.

"Oh thank god you made it in time." Jason says out loud without even knowing it. His eyes widened when he realized.

Damian facepalmed

"Excuse me?" The lady ask

"Huh? Oh nothing!" Jason says.

The lady shakes her head and writes something down. She then looks back up to Jason. "Please excuse me. I need to make a call outside."  She says leaving the place.

"well great job Todd." Damian says sarcastically

"Hey it's not my fault I say stuff before thinking!" Jason claims. "Ok it is my fault cause I'm speaking but shush!"

Damian rolled his eyes.

The lady soon came back in. Two men followed her in. "We are taking the boy into child custody. You are unable to care for the boy correctly. He shall be living with his mother from now on and you'll be taken in, charged with child abuse and child neglect. If you think I don't see all the scares and the new recent injuries then your wrong." She says

"What?!" Jason and Damian both yelled.

Jason looked to Damian and did see new injuries, "did you go fighting criminals?!" He whispered yelled to Damian.

Damian nods sadly

The lady gently grabs Damian's hand and started to walk out.

Damian snatched his hand back, "no."

The lady kneeled down in front of Damian, "Hey its ok buddy. You'll be in a much better home soon."

"No! He's staying with me!" Jason yelled trying to get to Damian but was held back by the two men.

"Sir stay where you are or else." One of the men said.

"This boy is not safe here with you. Your a terrible parent. I'm sure he'll be so happy with his mother and she'll be happy to see him." The lady says.

"She's abusive! Talia is a terrible person! So is Bruce Wayne! That's why the kid should stay with me!" Jason yelled

Damian nodded in agreement but no one saw.

"If you want the boy back you must prove you can take care of a child and that the parents are abusive." She says

Damian didn't want to Jason to get in even more trouble then he already it so he decided to go with her.

The woman started walking out with Damian.

"Damian!" Jason shouted.

Damian gave him a small smile before fully leaving the place.

Once they left police officers came in and handcuffed Jason.

Jason didn't even bother to break free. He just left with them.

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