The Impatience

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Frustratingly, several days had passed since the first day of autumn. Waiting for autumn had been hard enough, but now that he had to wait to execute his plan it was even more difficult. The pixies wouldn't help him, so he had to take matters into his own hands. Luckily, he had Hester to help him with the task. Much to his irritation, though, the knight was avoiding the northern woods for hunting.

Each day that past meant another one closer to the knight taking the next step with (f/n). By some luck, the knight still hadn't proposed to (f/n) and made a public announcement to the village that they planned to wed, but that time could be tomorrow for all he knew. The two of them were sickeningly close, and Jacob scowled at how (f/n) clung to the knight's arm as though she would shower him in kisses in the middle of the street.

Not to mention that other villagers finally were wondering why the pair weren't getting married since they spent so much time together. If they kept getting more and more suspicious, the knight most likely would propose sooner than later so that no ill rumors of them would spread. Otherwise, both of the might have a hard time trading in the future, same for her parents.

Thinking about it, that might actually benefit him since her trade would mean little, then. Unfortunately, the knight would remain in the picture, and the two of them might move locations. Then, he probably never would see (f/n) again. That was something that he wouldn't be able to bear. Even the thought of that idea caused an unpleasant shiver to snake up his spine.

No, killing him at this point definitely was the better option. With Hester's help, they wouldn't get caught and bear the negative consequences. Now, he just needed to get the knight into the northern forest so that it would be easier to drag him to the clearing with the pixies. He'd show them how worthy he was, how they had been wrong about him. Once the knight was out of the picture, (f/n) would love him.

Looking up from his work, though, he paused. It was mid-afternoon, and the knight was walking (f/n) over to her home. Due to the knight carrying a ruffled grouse in his right hand, Jacob figured that they just had returned from hunting. Nearly, a groan left past his lips, but he held it at the last moment so that he wouldn't alert his father; however, the glare on his face still was noticed by the older male.

Anselm sighed lightly, but his son didn't hear him. When he looked to Jacob, he noted that his son's eyes followed the pair. He continued with his work and wondered if his son would wander off again. Maybe, he shouldn't let Jacob go off into the woods like he had been, but it seemed to help his son focus on his work the next morning, which was better than nothing. At least, the war had ended, and order for swords and gear were down. Otherwise, his son wandering off quite a bit would become admittedly annoying, and he might have to be harsher with the eighteen year old.

Not paying any mind to his father, Jacob saw (f/n) enter her home, and the knight handed the grouse to her, which she gratefully took. In his eyes, it simply looked like the knight was bribing her family. Maybe, that was why her parents had warmed up to the knight so easily. He scoffed quietly. At least, he didn't stoop so low, but it seemed like her parents preferred bribery rather than honesty. Jacob rolled his eyes. Then again, her parents just seemed to stop liking him and treated him like a nuisance. An inaudible growl left him. It's not like he needed their approval. Regardless of what they wanted, he would get (f/n) to be his.

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