The Course

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


While he narrated the details to her, (f/n) found the pit in her stomach growing, but she didn't reverse her decision. Her mouth remained close, and her ears were open. She learned of how Emorie would appear like his old self to Jetta and how he'd use that appearance to deceive her. He'd have to utilize several other lies, telling Jetta that he had been tricking (f/n) all along just to get rid of her. It hurt to hear those words even if they weren't true, but she didn't disagree. Jetta had to believe Emorie one hundred percent. Otherwise, the plan wouldn't work, and she had a feeling that Emorie would choose someone else if it came to that. Quite clearly, he had made it evident that he didn't wish for her to die. (F/n) didn't either, but this decision still was far from pleasant.

What would be even harder would be convincing Jetta to stay in the cave that Emorie currently was in. Emorie did plan on bringing several items in and making others. His plan was to persuade her that the space in the cave would be better than that of a cabin, and he'd hunt and cook for her. Honestly, (f/n) wished that she could be living with Emorie instead of Jetta even if it meant leaving her parents sooner, but she knew why she couldn't.

Those nine months were going to be incredibly long, however. At least, she'd be able to see Emorie in the evenings. He might not be able to meet with her every night, but he mentioned that a few nights should be possible. Sometimes, the nights might be even less. It depended on whether she'd be able to sneak off to talk with him. For awhile, it might be difficult due to Jacob missing. Not to mention that Jetta would be joining in the vanishings. Security would be increased for possibly a few, or several, weeks.

At the end of the nine months, Emorie and she would leave Levonshire. They'd take the baby and some of her belongings, things that would less likely be noticed, before they found another home. For the rest of their lives, they might have to move from location to location given Emorie and their son's food requirements, but it also meant being with her family. And, she didn't plan on giving up on them, especially not after all of the decisions and plans she was agreeing to.

Thumbs rubbing over the backs of her hands, they helped to relax her while he spoke. When he finished going over everything, she averted her gaze up to his. Emorie was looking for her approval, and she gave a steady nod. "When are you going to approach her?" she asked softly as she leaned her head against his chest. She heard his heartbeat, and it aided in soothing her troubled mind and heart.

"Early next week." She hummed in response, and he combed his right fingers through her (h/c) (h/l) locks. "I should be able to hold this off until then and for a little while longer." Feeling that he should explain why he was waiting since she'd find out anyway, he clarified, "I'm going to kill Hester before then."

Gradually, she pulled away from him. She didn't say anything at first; she simply examined his face, and he was glad that he could hold his breath for longer. Would that somehow change her opinion of everything? He had a feeling that she despised Hester just as much as he did, especially after what she had done to both of them, but she still might not want someone else to die so soon.

Much to his relief, she sighed and didn't tell him not to. Rather, she glanced in the direction of Hester's house. "Well, you do have to eat humans. And with the winters months, you can store her in the snow." He noticed the distant look in her eyes, and he knew that she still was having a rough time processing all of the information. Emorie didn't blame her at all. Instead, he was overjoyed that she wasn't running away from him.

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