The Night

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Much to his surprise and relief, things worked out better than he could've hoped for. She actually had agreed to him courting her. Of course, that meant that he couldn't just let loose and take care of Jacob. Rather, he had to maintain his current reputation and take the much harder route, but he would do so. Even after their brief time together, (f/n) had earned his heart, and he would make sure that he wouldn't ruin that. If he lost her, he might not get her back.

Almost, he thought that he had lost her today, but she had come to him and trusted him. To have her be so devoted to him already made his heart skip a beat, and it pounded even more so with their shared kiss. Slowly, he pulled back from the sign of affection. Her (e/c) eyes averted themselves away from his light blue ones, and she rested her head against his chest.

His right fingers slipped from her chin and rested on her left hip before they steadily moved along her back so that his arm could wrap around her waist. Both of her hands rested on his chest now, and her fingers gripped at his tunic a little bit. A small, shy smile was on her lips, and a gentle one was on his. Emorie leaned down and placed a kiss atop her head, causing her to tense against him, but she did so in a pleasant way.

Her heartbeat began to slow down, but the light feeling in her stomach didn't. Instead, she felt like she could fly high into the sky and soar around for several hours on end. The feeling of his lips on hers remained, and she would've brought her right index and middle finger to her lips if she wasn't still with him. Since she was, she hid her face more and listened to the soothing sound of his heartbeat. It was wonderful.

"(F/n)," he spoke softly, and that broke her out of her thoughts. She didn't lift her head, but she nodded a bit to indicate that she was listening. "We do have another issue that we should discuss, especially since this is official now." Now worried, she raised her head somewhat and pulled away from him a little bit. His fingers moved from around her waist, and he brushed back strands of (h/c) (h/l) behind her left ear.

"At night, we both may be a in a small village, but I still worry about your safety. Everyone is asleep, and they might not hear or react quick enough." His fingers stayed on her strands of hair, and he combed his fingers through them gently, which eased her mind just a little bit despite her concern growing. She knew what he was getting at, and it did frighten her if Jacob tried such a thing. "You may have a latch on your shutters, and you may leave your door open to get to your parents faster, but ..."

"You're worried he still might try to grab me," she finished, her eyes drifting down to her feet. If Jacob truly was behind what happened today, he might be that persistent to go to that measure. Plus if Hester was involved, that made him only more dangerous since he had someone else to rely on. Furrowing her brows in displeasure at the thought, she continued, "But, I'm worried about that for you too. You're by yourself. You have your sword, but ... If they both come, one might try to sneak on you and jump you while the other distracts you."

"... Yes, I normally wouldn't be worried about having two opponents, but I do have to be careful since I can only use one arm. It does open up more vulnerabilities for me, and one mistake can have greater impact than before." He sighed and drew his hand away from her. "There is a solution somewhat, but you might not be comfortable with it."

Infectious Crimson (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon