The Resolution

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

As soon as those words left her lips, she felt his grip on her hands relax a little bit. His eyes stared into hers, and she gave him another reassuring smile. "From what you're telling me, you did the best you could." (F/n) moved her hands to wrap them around his right one. "You rescued a woman," a foolish one, "and you maintained a respectful air the entire time. You were caught off guard and did your best not to let the situation turn against you."

Dipping his head, he rested his forehead on her hands. "Your trust in me, (f/n) ... I can't thank you enough. I was worried." He didn't lift up his head. "I was worried that you might think ill of me." Not to mention that he might've had to take other measures into his own hand had that occurred.

Removing one of her hands from under his forehead gently, she lifted it up and steadily placed it on top of his head. Her cheeks heated a little, but she felt the need to comfort him more. It hurt to see him like this. Caringly and shyly, she ran her fingers through his hair. "I don't think ill of you. Part of me was worried that I might lose you when I saw Jetta and you." She stopped the movement of her fingers before she shyly brought her fingers down and rested them along the left side of his jaw.

Lightly, she lifted his head up. "I rushed over here to make sure that I hadn't lost you." She smiled. "I love spending time with you, Emorie. Helping you with the hares, talking, everything." Now, she raised her other hand up and cupped both sides of his jaw. Her cheeks were warm, but she didn't drop her hands. "I'm really happy with you," she admitted, her eyes diverting down before they met his again.

Placing his right hand over her left one, he leaned into her touch and closed his eyes momentarily. "Thank you, (f/n)." He turned his face inward and opened his eyes before he kissed the palm of her hand. Her cheeks heated up more, and he soon stood back up to his feet. Emorie retook his seat and took a sip of water before he set it back down, and a more serious expression fell onto his countenance. "But, I'm sure you're still curious about what had happened. Why this happened." A frown fell onto his lips. "I know I am."

"I am." Her own frown met her lips. "How you described what happened ... It's almost like Jetta knew you were going to be there and arrived there ahead of you to catch you off guard." She furrowed her brows. "But, she doesn't strike me as someone who would plan that far in advance." A mental sigh of hers occurred. "Maybe, she has some side of her that I don't know about, and I don't even know her that well, but I just don't think she would do that all on her own."

"I thought the same." His right fingers tapped on the table. "Her acting was terrible. She tried to act the damsel in distress, and she did receive minor injuries, but she didn't even act like she was in genuine pain. I could see right through her, and it didn't help that she was making her ... intentions so obvious."

Tightening her hands around the cup, (f/n) felt her frown deepen. An image of Jetta practically rubbing herself against Emorie flashed through her mind, and her anger at the older woman increased. Such a thought made her wish that Jetta didn't live next to Emorie. When a hand rested over her left one, she looked up and felt herself relax a little at Emorie's reassuring smile. "I felt nothing except dislike and disgust."

Nodding, she intertwined her fingers with his before they each slowly slipped their fingers away. Emorie began to tap on the tabletop again. "But even if she had planned that all out on her own, it doesn't explain how she knew when to slip and fall down the stream. She was covered by the trees, and they were thick enough to where she wouldn't have been able to see me without me seeing her." His frown returned. "Somehow she knew when I stepped into the stream. She wouldn't have heard me due to the water, and I didn't make any loud splashes or anything like that."

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