Calen | 1335w

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  The chains around my wrists drag on the wood floor as I scramble away from my foster mom, my back eventually hitting the wall and stopping my retreat. She stalks over until she's standing right in front of me, her hands planted on her hips and a snarl distorting her face. "You worthless little shit! Did you think you earned that bread?" she spits venomously, making me flinch.

  "No..." I whimper, curling my hands against my chest protectively. "p-please, Kitten was j-just so hungry!"

  My desperate pleading has no effect. If anything, it makes her angrier. My head snaps to the side when she backhands me, her ring cutting a thin line across my cheek.

"Well Kitten, you won't be getting off without a punishment! Not this time! No food for three days!"

  If I was braver I would tell her I never got off without a punishment, even if I didn't do anything. I was constantly being punished and I don't know why, I just know I deserve it. After all, why would she lie about me needing a punishment?

  "S-Sorry Mas... Master. Kitten re-really sorry," I choke out, a shudder wracking through me, shortly followed by a violent cough. I've felt lightheaded all day, and I'm scared to think I might be sick. I never used to get sick, not ever. I would heal immediately and not feel it, but I also used to get food and warmth and sleep.

  As she takes a menacing step toward me, her fists clenched and eyes furious, I hear an ominous sounding clank.


  My eyes snap open and my head jerks up, thumping painfully into the wall behind me. My gaze automatically slides to my wrists as I silently beg for there to be no chains. Any hope I had is crushed when I see the shackles clamped around my wrists, so similar to the ones I used to wear daily.

  I can't help the pitiful whine that leaves me at the realization, nor can I help the tears that well up in my eyes. I keep my head lowered but risk a peek at the person keeping me captive. She has a mask covering her whole face, and when I concentrate I remember her name is Jodie and she... she's Masquerader?

  I feel one of the tears slip down my left cheek, and I whimper softly. She's going to hurt me, just like my foster mom. If I make her happy maybe it won't be so bad!

  I shift slowly onto my knees, and despite the horrible sound of the chains dragging on the wood floor, reminding me of my flashback, I pull my hands up and clasp them between my legs on the floor.

  There's a painful silence, but I can't speak unless spoken to, so I don't break it. My ears twitch a bit when I hear her shifting and standing up, then stepping closer to me. I peek up at her, only to jerk my face back down when she raises a hand.

  I'm surprised when instead of a hit I feel her touching my forehead almost gently. My momentary feeling of calm at her touch vanishes when she flicks my hood off, exposing my ears. I flinch and shrink as much as I can, fearing what she'll do after seeing my ears. My tail is under my hoodie still, wrapped comfortingly around my waist like I've been keeping it a lot recently.

  I hear a little gasp, then a moment later see her crouch in front of me. "You have more than just your Falcon form," she states, sounding almost accusatory. "That is bad," she adds.

  I feel myself shaking slightly as tears well in my eyes again. I didn't mean to be bad, really I didn't! I decide to risk saying something.

  "I-I... Ki-Kitten is s-sorr-rry," I plead, looking up at her. I'm shocked to see her touching her mask like she's going to take it off, though she doesn't actually make a move to.

  She makes a humming, thoughtful noise and I can see her staring at me, looking me over as if to make sure I'm being sincere. I slowly lower my gaze again. With every second that passes I become more sure she's going to continue with her planned torture, hoping to get information from me.

  It's too bad I couldn't remember most things about Falcon if I tried. Everything from any of my other forms is blurry, especially Falcon, as it's so vastly different than this one. I don't even remember fighting Masquerader before, I just know I have.

  I want to wipe my now damp cheeks, but I don't dare move my hands from their nonthreatening position between my knees on the floor.

  I see Jodie stand up, then her commanding voice, deeper than her other one. "Stand up," she orders. I should obey, otherwise she'll hurt me more.

  I struggle to my feet, the chains around my wrists feeling very heavy as they weigh me down. "Ple-Please no p-punishme-ment," I beg weakly.

  The floor seems far away, the chains feel heavier than ever, and when she answers it sounds oddly warped. I wonder if it's another of her many voices, or if my mind is making it up. Probably I imagined it. I never thought the pleading would work anyway.

  "Don't worry, I won't punish you," my imagination has her saying. At least, I think that's what she said; by the time she finishes my vision has gone black and I'm slumping to the floor.


  When I wake again I find myself on a soft surface, which does nothing to ease my fear. I open my eyes slowly, unable to help a whine at the bright light blinding me.

  It soon disappears, and I find myself in a sparse looking bedroom. My eyes widen when I see Jodie standing at the foot of the bed I'm currently laying on. Her arms are crossed, a curious and confident expression on her bare face.

  Her mask-less face. Other than a scar splitting the end of one of her eyebrows and trailing to the corner of her eye, her face looks relatively normal. Not stunningly beautiful or utterly bland, just... average.

  She moves suddenly, swinging herself over the baseboard and shifting closer to me. I throw the covers over my head and curl into the smallest ball I can, whimpering when I feel her touch my shoulder. I don't resist as she pulls the blankets away from my head, knowing it will only aggravate her.

  She touches one of my ear and I flinch violently, causing her to jerk her hand back. I hear a low yet delicate chuckle. "Rather sensitive, aren't you?"

  I tremble, braving a look at her. There's an almost-smile on her face, and to my surprise she doesn't look angry. Tentatively, I wiggle out from under the blankets and face her. I look back at my hands, which are petting my now free tail. "G-Going to hu-hurt me?" I question quietly.

  I vaguely see her studying me. "Did Lance?" I shake my head. "Then I won't either. Now, why did you pass out? I know I'm intimidating, but gosh."

  I blush and even though I know why I take my time answering. "Haven't b-been eat-eating," I answer, nervously wrapping my tail back around my waist.

  She hums, studies me for a few more moments, then hops quickly off the bed. "Well, I'll go find something," she informs, sauntering to the door, where she pauses. "You may have noticed the lack of windows here, as you are still in my basement. I will lock this door, in case you try to do something stupid like escape," a pause, then, "I will be back soon."

  The door closes behind her and I hear a click. I don't like being closed in here, but it's infinitely better than the shackles.

  It must be a half and hour later when I hear the first crash from above.

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