Macer | 1124w

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  So close. I was so close to calming down, to licking my powers away again, to being able to see my Kitten, but Masquerader had to drop that on me. While her teasing is annoying, it doesn't usually affect me this much.

  A wave of rage washes over me, forcing me to close my eyes for a moment to control myself. I clench my jaw hard enough to hurt as I breath in and let it out, then slowly open my eyes and turn to face Masquerader.

  "Is that so." I don't expect an answer, and I don't get one. She stays silent, gazing at me warily.

  I release a shuddering breath, my hands still clenched into fists. I'm not sure whether I'm feeling more of the anger or betrayal swirling around in me, but finally I decide on anger.

  Most likely he was forced to call his old foster parents Master, meaning it's not a good thing and I should be glad he hasn't called me that. However, that means Masquerader did something to remind him so much of his foster parents he would call her the same as he did them.

  I glare straight into her eyes as I take a single step toward her. "What did you do to him?" I demand, my words no more than a feral growl. She has crossed the line this time.

  She shrinks away from me, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "I... I don't know? I told him to eat something, then I asked why he was so docile and... and he said he didn't want to be hurt and I just told him to eat more and then he asked if he could be done... Master."

  I stare her down, and to my relief I can tell she isn't lying. I'm relieved she didn't hurt him in any way, but then why did he call her Master?

  I finally break our staring contest and look at my hands. My fingernails gain a red iridescence when I'm Macer, hinting at the power that can come from them. I feel like burning something very badly right now, but I refuse to leave this house while Calen is still in it and I can't burn this house because he can't know my identity.

  Can't this and can't that, what can I do? I can figure out where to take Calen once I'm back to normal.

  I pace as I think, rubbing my left palm with my right thumb. I can rent an apartment, I have plenty of money and also some connections. I can figure out how to get to said apartment. It's obvious I'll either steal Masquerader's car or force her to drive us into the city.

  I can figure out how to keep the Guild from finding us. Masquerader won't be hard to shut up, but the rest of the Guild now probably know I didn't have Calen to torture him as Falcon, but that I actually care about him. That means they'll probably be trying even harder to find us. I'll have to do everything anonymously, possibly not even go out as Macer until things cool down a little.

  I can call and get an apartment. Masquerader seems surprised as I pull out my cell phone and type in a number. "Hello, Amelia? This is Macer."

  "Oh, hello. Is everything alright?" She answers in her gentle voice. But don't be fooled, she can be a badass when it's needed.

  "I need an apartment. The Guild decided to pay my house a visit." I narrow my eyes at Masquerader, who crosses her arms and narrows her eyes right back at me. My upper lip curls in a silent snarl, and she just scoffs as she looks away. Rather braver than she seemed before.

  "Of course dear! I'll set one aside for you right now." I hear some shuffling and typing noises, then her voice comes back over the phone. "Done. I was already reviewing them, you had good timing."

  "Thank you Amelia. See you soon I suppose?" I sigh. I know her well.

  "You know it! I'll be waiting at the apartment for you," she answers, chuckling softly.

  "Okay. Goodbye Amelia," I say, emotionless.

  "Bye bye Macer dear!" she sing-songs. I roll my eyes as I hang up.

  She never was afraid of me, even when I'm Macer. She isn't afraid of hardly anything. She had, after all, gotten away with a healthy career of villainous activities from the time she turned twenty three all the way until her late forties.

  At that time, she got into real estate and now runs a business, even though she could easily afford to pay someone to run it for her. She's currently sixty two and supposedly thinking about retiring soon. We both know she won't.

  The first time she met me was as Macer, when she payed a visit to the Guild for old-times-sake, and I had just stopped by after an assassination. I was riled up and angry, even by the usual Macer standards, but Amelia managed to talk me out of it without me literally biting her head off. It was a worthy achievement, and the next time I came back raging someone called her and she came.

  She helped me learn to control my unmanageable anger and general instability while I was Macer. She is the sole reason many people are still alive today, including the two other people in this house right now. I owe her a lot. Maybe even my life.

  There's silence as Masquerader and I successfully ignore each other, each caught up in our thoughts. One second I'm crouching against the wall trying to calm down, then the next I'm up and bolting down the stairs.

  Calen is screaming. Why the hell is my Calen screaming?

  I sense Masquerader running down after me, but I pay her no mind. Why did I think it was a good idea to leave him alone? Who cares if he found out my identity, he wouldn't be in distress right now. Or would he? I pause outside the door, my hand on the handle in the midst of unlocking it.

  If I go in there will I only be making it worse? I know he's afraid of me, at least while my eyes are still glowing with power. I stare at my hand for another moment, at the small flames flirting across my fingers due to my sudden alarm. I wouldn't hurt him on purpose, but on accident...?

  My head snaps up when I hear a whimper from inside, and my gaze hardens

  I extinguish the flames from my hand, close my still glowing eyes as I take a deep breath, then I open the door.

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