Macer | 1609w

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I'm drawing on my powers more than I ever have before, and I absolutely hate it. They were given to me against my will, and with terrible intentions behind them. However, that doesn't matter to me right now. All that matters to me is burning this idiotic Hunter to a crisp. If they think they can get away with threatening my Calen, they are mistaken.

I am both glad and mildly surprised Calen listened to my order of retreat. Now I just hope he doesn't try anything rash.

I dodge a blast from Crossword, spinning out of the way and using the momentum of it to launch a wave of fire at them. The white mist surrounding them seems to absorb most of it, but I grin when I see them flinch.

I already know they can be hurt, but it's nice to have it confirmed once again. I cut them when they visited me in my apartment and they admitted I could burn them with my flames, so it's just a matter of getting past their defenses. Preferably quickly, as I'm not sure how long I can keep up this very draining display of power.

Crossword's fingers move at blur speed, each of them seeming to trace separate letters into the misty cloud before pushing it toward me. As far as I can see, they're spelling out their next attack before somehow melding the letters and words into the mist, which promptly forms the onslaught.

Crossword grabs at the indecipherable words floating around them, then makes a flinging motion toward me. I throw my arms up to shield my face from the white knives flying toward me. My power surges, a wave of heat blasting out from my crossed arms and melting the knives before they can touch me. I return Crossword's attack with one of my own, sending a volley of baseball sized flames racing directly at them.

They spin out of the way, running through the air like they're on solid ground. They leap even higher off the ground, launching upwards at least thirty feet before coming to a stop. I've barely started toward them when a shockwave slams into me, more powerful even than the last one. I'm knocked back a few feet, and it takes me a moment to regain my balance and look up at them. My eyes widen at the sight that greets me.

Falcon speeds toward them, gracefully dodging a wave of spikes and a small shockwave. Crossword seems unprepared for Falcon's bold approach, and the fact that he's not slowing down. A split second later he slams into them, barely being slowed down by Crossword's force field.

They topple out of the air, falling to the ground with a crash behind a nearby house. I drop to the ground and run as fast as I can toward them, vaulting over a fence without thought and nearly landing on top of them.

Falcon is on top of Crossword, grappling with his hands to keep him from spelling out more words. Crossword lets out a loud snarl and shoves Falcon, causing them both to roll across the yard. Crossword ends up on top of Falcon, their fist pulled back to hit him. I lurch forward to pull them off, but before I can touch them they let out a shriek of pain.

My gaze snaps to their hand, caught in one of Calen's, and I feel my flames flickering at the sight of my Kitten's claws sunk into the flesh of Crosswords fist. I snap out of my momentary shock at the fact that Calen's kitty form showed up during a fight, and grab the back of Crossword's jacket, the material instantly catching on fire as I toss them away from us.

They land on their back, the green grass quickly putting out the fire before they scramble to their feet. I want to help Calen to his feet, but I know it would only result in him getting burned, so instead I turn to Crossword. This time I'm the one to tackle them to the ground, my knee pressing against their chest to keep them down as I reach to grab their hands. Unfortunately, I'm too slow.

They evade my hands long enough to press their palm flat against my chest and send me flying backward with a blast. I slam into the wall of the house, barely avoiding crashing right through it. I lock eyes with Calen, who must realize the same thing as me. He turns to Crossword and bursts into a sprint, then leaps the last ten feet.

Hero & VillainOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz