Lance | 1640w

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As soon as I woke up the next morning, I checked the news. Well, after taking both an aspirin and an ibuprofen for my headache, that is. I plop onto my couch and flip on the tv, scrolling to find the news. It was before noon yesterday so I have to find a channel with a 'recap of yesterday's events'.

There's footage from below of the first visible flames of my fire, then it skips to when Falcon entered the picture. I was wondering how he got in, and my question is answered when I see him crash through a window. A frown overtakes my features at that stunt.

There's a few minutes where nothing happens, then Falcon appears in the window. As suddenly as he came he disappears from view, and I'm momentarily puzzled; why isn't he escaping?

My breath hitches a second later when he leaps out the window, plummeting down as his wings unfurl slowly. I wince as I remember his broken wing and ribs.

The video ends, but a news woman says he was seen flying toward the park, and that one report said his wings seemed to shimmer in and out of existence while flying.

If his wings disappeared while he was still flying, who knows what could have happened? Obviously he wouldn't still b win his Falcon form, but he would still have his suit on. What if he broke his legs in the fall?

I throw a coat on, grab my keys and wallet, then at the last second pack a few extra clothes into a backpack.

I speed only a little as I drive to the park.


I've been searching for hours, and am ready to admit defeat. It's noon, I'm hungry, my headache came back, and I've searched every inch of this giant park twice over. He must not have stopped here after all.

I finally stop underneath a giant elm, my resolve to stay tough crumbling as I plop onto the grass and bury my face in my hands. I hate how worried about him I am, it's not like me. Ever since my brother I have tried to stay away from people, to avoid getting attached and starting to care about them.

For some reason when Calen showed up at my door I thought it would be different with him, like because he was my enemy I would be able to control my feelings. And maybe if he had still been my enemy, Falcon, I would have. Maybe if he hadn't turned into a kitten, I would have. Maybe if he hadn't looked so adorable in my hoodie, I would have.

But he wasn't, and he did, and he was, and I couldn't, so now here I am moping in a park waiting for him to appear out of thin air even though I know that's impossible.

When he does, I almost jump out of my skin.

My legs stretch out in front of me, and I have my arms propping me up so I don't fall. I stare at him in shock, not immediately noticing the way tears well in his eyes and his hands shake in his lap while he kneels next to me.

"Plea-Please don't be-be angry with m-me." He pleads, shifting ever so slightly closer on his knees and hesitantly leaning forward to nuzzle my shoulder.

It snaps me out of my shock, and I slowly reach up to brush my fingers through his hair, being careful to avoid his fuzzy ears. "Of course I'm not angry with you, Darling." I coo softly.

It seems to be invitation enough for him to move closer to me, and when I don't react he straddles my legs and hugs me tightly, nestling his head under my chin.

"I-I'm sorry. Didn't mea-mean to be ba-bad." He trembles on my lap, his fingers curling into the back of my coat. "Please forg-give m-me." I feel his tears beginning to soak through my shirt, and it finally registers what kind of situation I'm in.

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