Chapter 12

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Time seem to slow down as everyone heard the haunting moans fill the school grounds, with the survivors still inside and outside the main entrance of the classroom building. The silence was only broken by Takashi who shouted for everyone to run!!

Not needing to be told twice, the remaining survivors still inside the classroom building all ran out before any of them was cornered, the last one out was Daishi. Takashi was about to run ahead of the group when a voice behind him said, "Why did you open your big mouth! We could've delt with the ones close by if you haven't said anything!!" Exclaimed a pissed off Saya, unkown to her but a male undead was behind her and was about to bite her when Saeko came forward and smacked it hard enough in its head that it went over both Takashi and Saya's bodies before crashing to the ground in front of them, dead for good.

"The noise would of echoed anyway! Just start swinging!" Exclaimed Rei as she used her weapon to swipe the feet of a female undead and caused it to smack it's head on the railing, effectively killing it.

"The noise would of echoed anyway! Just start swinging!" Exclaimed Rei as she used her weapon to swipe the feet of a female undead and caused it to smack it's head on the railing, effectively killing it

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Up ahead was Kohta Hirano in front of the survivors with his nail gun raised and pointed at the growing horde of dead students shuffling to the main entrance of the classroom building.

"There is too many!" He shouted out in fear, but was silenced when Takashi ran past him and smashed his bat against the head of one of the dead students, killing it for good as he sent it flying in the air and made it snap its neck

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"There is too many!" He shouted out in fear, but was silenced when Takashi ran past him and smashed his bat against the head of one of the dead students, killing it for good as he sent it flying in the air and made it snap its neck. He brought his bat down and sent the extra maroon blood on it to splattered on the ground as he stood in front of the 17 survivors that were behind him.

"Forget talking! Just run!!" Exclaimed Takashi as he charged at the horde and started hitting their heads which made their bodies airborne as all the survivors made a mad dash for the parking lot where the micro bus was kept. "RUN!!!" He shouted again as he sent a female undead flying.

However after the survivors turned the corner to enter the parking lot, they all hear a scream from up ahead

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However after the survivors turned the corner to enter the parking lot, they all hear a scream from up ahead. Once all the survivors were on the parking lot and running for the bus, everyone saw a female student in the gym uniform whose still alive is being lifted up into the air by three zombiefied students in regular uniforms. On the ground was a golf club and a school bag that seems to be packed with supplies.

Takashi, Saeko, Rei and Kohta clears a path as Ryosei and Hisashi cover the sides as everyone runs to the bus. However Akira and Tomoko break from the group and ran to the female student in the gym uniform as the zombies bite her! Akira acted fast and killed the dead students before they can do more damage as Tomoko rushed forwards and helps the injured girl to her feet as she grabs her weapon and bag of supplies as she was rushed to the bus.

Akira was about to follow when he heard a shout of pain behind him and turned around to see Takuzo Suganuma was getting bitten on his arms as a small crowed of dead students start to swarm around him. Akira ran as fast as he can to the second-year student as he killed any of the zombies in his path.
He killed the zombies on and around Takuzo and told him to run to the bus as he covered him. Up ahead, his girlfriend and Saya were closer to the bus as Naomi Hashimoto rushed to Takuzo's side and helped him on the bus as Saya glared at Akira.

He ignored her and got on the bus and went to where Takuzo and the girl was sitting, which was in the front. He approached the two of them and like before he asked them if they wanted to live, then he explains about his blood nd how it helped the other students in their group who got bitten.
Then he took out his knife and showed them by cutting his hand and watched as their faces fill with disbelief and shock when they saw his hand close up and heal leaving the only evidence as drying blood on his hand.

The girl and Takuzo said that they want to live, as Akira moved to the girl and cut his hand again before he formed a fist and squeezed his blood out into the girl's left shoulder, left arm and left leg and watch as her bite marks start to close up slowly but surely. Then he told them that he has to add a few drops of the blood in their mouths to fully kill off what ever infection was left in their bodies.

Like before, the girl was grossed out the same with Takuzo and Naomi, but she agreed to it as she opened her mouth and closed her eyes. Akira repeated the process and when the few drops entered her mouth, the injuries instantly healed themselves.

Once that was done, the girl thanks Akira for saving her life as he moved towards Takuzo and repeated the same thing with him as Naomi comforts him, at first he was grossed out be-on belief as he tried not to throw up. But it paid off as Takuzo's injuries healed up so it only shows that he has some holes in the sleeves of his gakuran blazer.

When Akira stood back up he looked out the windows of the bus to see the survivors from the track and field team are running for the bus with his teacher, Mr. Shido in the back encouraging the students to keep running.

Akira would of gone outside to help the students in but he felt woozy from probably giving away so much of his blood to six survivors within a few hours since the outbreak began so he needed to sit down for a few seconds as his body regenerates more blood for him. He sat down next to Tomoko, who looked at him in worry.

Eventually the survivors and Mr. Shido made it on the bus and so Takashi closed the door and told Shizuka that she can go, "Hang on!" Exclaimed the school nurse as she started up the bus and pressed down on the gas, driving past the zombies in the parking lot, "To the gate!" Shouts Saya from somewhere in the middle of the bus as Shizuka drives past zombies in the parking lot till she got closer to the school gate.

However there was a massive horde of zombiefied students, blocking the school gate. Shizuka grits her teeth as she glares at the horde of her once former, precious students reanimated corpses, "They're not humans anymore. They're NOT people anymore! THEY'RE NOT ALIVE ANYMORE!!!!" Shizuka shouts as she pressed on the gas and ran down as fewer zombies as she can till she gets to the school gate and rams the gates open outwards with a lot of force.

Once free from the nightmare of the school behind, the bus fell silent as everyone let their bodies rest after everything that happened at the school and everyone they lost.
Takashi softly says, "Can't believe we did it..." Across from him Sat Kohta who was adding more tape to his nail gun and is sitting next to Saya.
Kohta agreed with him but didn't say anything, anymore. In the back of the bus is were Mr. Shido was with three of his students with him, he approached Saeko's seat as she was wiping the darken blood off her bokken with a handkerchief, "Thank god we did it. I take it you have been appointed leader, Miss Busujima?" Questions Mr. Shido, as said girl only glanced at him, "There is no such thing. We just work together to in order to live that's all." Was her reply.

Mr. Shido's eyes had a lear in them as he said "That's not good. In order to survive, we defiantly need a leader. A leader who bares everything. With valor. With confidence."

Up in the front of the bus, Rei who was sitting next to Hisashi looked back at Takashi with a harsh glare on her face as she looked at Takashi across from her, "You'll regret this." As said male looks at her in confusion, she counties "I guarantee that you'll regret that you helped him!" She hissed at him in anger.

"The city!!" Cried out Yuichi, as the bus finally passed by the row of cherry blossom trees that enclosed the street and pathway to Fujimi Academy, to reveal that there was dozens of towers of thick black smoke filling the sky.

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