Chapter 2

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Akira POV

After a couple of seconds of giving some of my blood to the girl, I'm ecstatic to see that her neck is completely healed! You can't even tell she was injured in the first place!

I glance at her sailor uniform top to see that is covered in blood on her left side as the girl starts to regain conscious, I give her a once over. She has cornflower blue hair that reaches her shoulders, pale skin, slim, C-cup breasts, big hips, long legs, and besides the school uniform she has black stockings that goes past her skirt (which I don't lift up) and she looks about 5'4 in height.

The girl opens her eyes and I see that they are a deep magenta color. She seems disoriented about her surroundings but focused back on me, "Hey, I am the one that saved you back there. My name is Akira Kawashina from class 3-A, and you are?" I reach my hand out to her waiting for her accept my handshake.

" I'm, Tomoko Nakamura from class 1-B. Thank you for saving me, Kawashina-senpai. " Nakamura said as she took my hand to shake before I help her up. She was shaking a little on her feet but she managed to stay on her feet.

Once she realized were we where, she start to brush the dirt off her uniform before she saw her reflection, and realized that just brushing off her uniform won't make it less dirty. So I say to her, that we need to get to the gymnasium to get better weapons to fight those infected.

She agreed with me and asked if we can look for her older sister as well. I agree as I grip the sasumata staff before I open the door, with Nakamura behind me, gripping the back of my uniform.

Out in the hallway, I see other students still running around screaming at the top of their lungs, but I also see more of them covered in blood with grey skin like the boy who attacked Nakamura a while ago.

We both watch in horror as a teacher was tackled to the ground by a three students who began to EAT her! I hear Nakamura whimper behind me, so I try to comfort her as best as I can as we both make a run for the gymnasium avoiding those....things as best we can, as the few people still outside are quickly becoming overrun by those grey skin creatures.

We get inside the gymnasium, and thank who ever is watching over us that the gymnasium is empty and the sports equipment room is opened. So the two of us not to the open room and I ditch the sasumata staff for two hockey sticks and Nakamura grabs a wooden baseball bat. We soon hear someone begging for help outside so before I could stop her, Nakamura runs to the door where the athletics field is as I run to catch up to her.

Now outside, on the large open field is were multiple shambling grey skin creatures littered the whole sports field wearing the school's gym and regular uniforms as the students who had gym class today were getting attacked or killed by their once dear friends and classmates.

While a few students managed to runaway from their classmates, only two students were getting surrounded. The boy has black chin length hair, pale tan skin in Fujimi's gym uniform, he was climbing on the soccer goalie met to escape from a group of his former classmates.

Without thinking about it, I run to the male student as his former classmates get closer to him. I can tell that Nakamura is right behind me, as I hear her footsteps. Once I am close enough, I smack the creature in the side of his head as he wrapped his arms around the struggling male student that tried to escape.

And luckily me and Nakamura has killed the three former students. As for the boy, as I turn to him he just jumps off the soccer net and runs towards the FRONT of the school. The same front that is crawling with the grey skin creatures, and he disappeared past the shuffling bodies. We soon heard a scream and look near the tennis courts to see a female student being lifted off the ground by her classmates as they start to tear into her flesh and ripped her apart.
We where too far away to help her, and she was surrounded by 8 of her former classmates who ripped her apart.

Nakamura tells me, that we need to leave! So I let her lead the way as we knocked any of grey skin creatures out of our way.

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