Chapter 7

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Akira Kawashina POV

Myself and Nakamura walk inside the bloody infirmary as broken glass and dead shamblers are on the floor with their heads caved in and blood splattered on the floor and furniture in the infirmary.
In the infirmary was the school nurse; Shizuka Marikawa who is a tall, curvy woman with long blonde hair that reaches her mid thighs, hazel eyes, pale tan skin, she is wearing a white blouse, with a red ribbon tied in a bow under the collar, a brown knee length pencil skirt and light brown slip on shoes with her white doctors lab coat.

 In the infirmary was the school nurse; Shizuka Marikawa who is a tall, curvy woman with long blonde hair that reaches her mid thighs, hazel eyes, pale tan skin, she is wearing a white blouse, with a red ribbon tied in a bow under the collar, a br...

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Also was my classmate; Saeko Busujima. She has long straight purple hair with a triangular fridge that nearly reaches the tip of her nose, pale skin, tall and hourglass figure, sapphire eyes, in the full female uniform but unlike most girls she wears a longer knee length skirt and her wooden sword as her weapon of choice. On the floor, leaning on some cabnits was a down male student with short raven black hair, chocolate brown eyes, and light blue frame glasses and bite marks covering his upper torso and arms.

Busujima was on one knee with her right arm on the bitten male student's left shoulder, when me and Nakamura walked inside and all three turn their attention to us. "Kawashina-kun, glad to see you made it. And is this another survivor?" Busujima asked, Nakamura seems to perked up a bit. "Y-yes senpai! My name is Tomoko Nakamura from class 1-D and Kawashina-senpai, here saved my life! And the lives of Niki-senpai and Igou-senpai!!" Nakamura exclaimed getting Doctor Marikawa-sensei's attention as well.

"What do you mean by saving your lives??" Doctor Marikawa asked in a confused tone, but everyone's attention turns to the bitten male student, who starts to cough up some blood. I start walking towards him, and when I was close to where Busujima was kneeling is when I took out my knife and began to show three more people what I can do.

I sliced the side of my arm, and watch the faces of shock turn to astonishment as my injury heeled itself. "It's in my blood. Any injury I have heals itself seconds after and as for Nakamura and the others, I gave them some of my blood after they got bitten and my blood healed up their injuries and stopped them from turning into these walking grey shambling corpses on campus."

I look at the male student in the eyes and then I ask for his name. "K-kazu...Ishii.." Is what he mutters out, "Ishii, it's your choice to countie living with the rest of us, or to pass on and not have to worry about anything, ever again." 
Out the corner of my eye, I see that doctor Marikawa looks discourage and unsettled by everything, while Busujima doesn't seem fazed by it but I see an once of respect in her eyes at my words to the male student.

"I....I..I want keep living please...." At his words, Busujima stood up and said she will keep watch. I got down on my knees and move closer towards Ishii, till I'm right next to him, and with my knife again, I cut my hand and make my hand into a fist and start to pour my blood into his open wounds before I tell him to close his eyes and open his mouth.
He complies, and as his wounds start to close I cut my hand again and pour a couple drops into his mouth. He didn't seem to react much to my blood, but I let him sit and rest as he had more than five bite marks.

A loud bang is heard behind me, so I turn around to see both Busujima and Nakamura are taking out three shamblers that broke down the door that connects to the hallway

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A loud bang is heard behind me, so I turn around to see both Busujima and Nakamura are taking out three shamblers that broke down the door that connects to the hallway.

I turn back to Ishii to see his injuries have all healed up and is struggling to stand up, so I give him my hand and help him up to his feet, he grabs the IV stand. Once the shamblers are put down for good, Busujima says that we should all leave now.

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